CMA HeartBeat May 2024 | Page 13





Last year was a special year for CMA Latvia - we celebrated our 15th anniversary . We had a wonderful time with our guests , John Jr and Holly Ogden , in Latvia . We organized a special service at the monument for fallen bikers near our capital , Riga , which was filmed by our national TV . https :// replay . lsm . lv / lv / ieraksts / ltv / 294556 / motociklistu-sezonai-veltits-dievkalpojums During their visit , John had the opportunity to preach during Sunday service , during which we celebrated Mother ' s Day in Latvia . Because of the small distances ( 1.5 hours from the capital , Riga ), we also took the Ogdens to our neighboring countries , Estonia and Lithuania .
In July , during our yearly event , Night Run , we opened a memorial plate in one of Riga ' s churches because that church supported the beginning of our ministry . Our first member training happened in that church support building . The memorial plate reminds visitors of the beginning of CMA Latvia .
On previous Night Runs , we had our event on Friday evening , but last year , we changed the format and organized the event on Saturday . This will be also the same this year on Saturday . Our plan for this year is to make the event at a camping site overnight , and on Sunday , we will attend church service nearby as a group .
During this winter / spring , we try to make plans for the coming moto season β€” please pray that we can understand , with God ' s guidance , what would be the best activities at every event that we will attend . This year , we have a new CMA Prayer Day on the first Sunday of March . We wrote prayers and also published them on our website www . cmalatvia . lv ( Facebook page ). By using the translate button , everyone can read them in his / her language .
Every day , on our internet social site , we publish pictures with a moto topic and a Bible verse . We know that for many people , that is the only time they read Scripture .
Last year , one of our members passed away ; relatives shared that this person was raised in a Christian home , but during his life , he was not in an active relationship with God . In
his last few years , he was back with the Lord . Fellowship with CMA members was an essential part of his life . We don ' t know when the Lord will call us home , and we remain thankful for every CMA member involved in our ministry today . Every member is a gift from above .
For some plans outside Latvia , we will attend the Europe CMA meeting in Germany this July . Next year ' s priority is to attend the CMA 50-year celebration in the USA . CMA Zigmars Atvars serves as President of CMA Latvia .
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