CMA International
By DANAIL Georgiev
with many bikers and also rejoice
have a prayer tent or a stand at
with a visiting stunt biker from
events where bikers can find com-
France who gave his life to Jesus.
passion, understanding, and spiritual
How amazing it was to witness and
support. I expect to have great rides
partake in the miracles that God was
with friends and many open doors to
doing in and through the ministry of
serve. Over the past ten years we
have witnessed God’s faithfulness
A couple of months later we had
surpass all our expectations whenev-
another chance to have a stand at
er we have made ourselves fully
one of the big rallies in north
available to serve and follow His call-
Bulgaria. During the whole weekend
ing. There is no doubt that in 2020
we had deep, meaningful conversa-
we will have many more testimonies
tions with numerous people. We
to share and glorify our awesome
could share the Good News or pray
God. CMA
with bikers even though quite
often we would find ourselves
just listening to them pouring
out their aching hearts. We
were simply there when they
needed us.
Now, as I look ahead to
2020, it is very difficult to
verbalize my expectations for
Members of CMA Bulgaria.
the upcoming riding season. I
expect that we will continue to
Danail Georgiev serves as President of CMA Bulgaria.
we look back to
2019, we see it as a
year of fulfilled dreams and
answered prayers. For years we had
been dreaming and praying for the
opportunity to have a prayer tent at
a secular biker event. At the begin-
ning of 2019, we even invested in
buying the necessary equipment. A
bit later we received the official per-
mission to have the prayer tent; not
just at any event, but at the biggest
biker event in the country – the sea-
son opening where all the big M/Cs
would have their tents and which is
usually visited by about 10,000 bik-
ers. We were really excited to see
what God had prepared for us there.
Once the rally started we realized
that one of the biggest clubs in the
country had actually given up their
spot so we could put up the CMA
tent. The whole experience was a
blessing beyond expectation. We had
a chance to share our faith and pray