CMA HeartBeat May 2019 | Page 23

CMA International By PERCY Valiente him. I went to his home and prayed for him and shared the Gospel. He prayed and accepted the Lord that day as his Savior. I visited him in the hospital after his operation and he is very grate- ful. He now attends the weekly Bible study I have in our home. This same biker recently wrote to me saying: “Today I prayed for you that you will have a great trip and a good return. I am sure God the Father has cho- sen you to continue preaching His word and captivating hearts just as my heart was to enhance His pur- poses of faith, blessings, peace, benevolence, and forgiveness He offers us. I will follow your footsteps my dear brother and await with joy your return to guide us in the way to God the Father.” The president of a local club said to one of his club members: “Call Percy for prayer regarding the need you have.” Another biker said, “If any person is with CMA, then he must be a good man.” Another biker was giving an overview of the biker community to a new comer. When he referred to CMA he said, “CMA is a good group and if a CMA’er is present on any trip that would be a plus because they are always help- ful in time of need.” Comments like this are often heard from Peruvian bikers. The fact that over 50 clubs came to our anniversary celebration last year shows the good accept- ance CMA Peru has among the biker community. I am convinced the following say- ings are very wise and have proven to be effective strategies; “We need to earn the right to speak” and “One heart at a time.” May the Lord bless us. CMA Percy Valiente is the President of CMA Peru. would like to share something relevant about what is happen- ing in Peru by sharing what bikers from different clubs are saying about CMA Peru rather than just sharing our activities or thoughts. One biker man (Franco Salinas) had a heart problem that was so acute that in the emergency room the doctors had to stop his heart since it was beating 290 beats per minute (normally one dies at 240 beats). After the doctor stopped his heart, they tried to revive him and he did not respond until the third try. He later shared with me that in that short “dead” state he had a peaceful and beautiful spiritual-like experience that was rudely stopped when the doctors revived him. That experience scared him and made him think seriously about God like never before. He then called me saying he wanted to talk to me because he was going to be operat- ed on and knowing that we are Christians, he asked me to pray for I