Recommended Rides
you can grab a bite to eat, some-
Back on the Skyway, just enjoy
thing to drink, or even some ice
the ride, but take some time to
cream and gas. If you want to
stop at some of the many pull
keep that smile going a little while
offs. You can take in some grand
longer, take a left on 129N to add
views, take a little break, and
the Deals Gap side trip below.
breathe some clean air. The stops
are too numerous
to list, so keep an
DEALS GAP SIDE TRIP: (58 miles round trip)
eye out for signs
Turn left on Hwy 129 and head to the Tail of
indicating any
the Dragon/Deals Gap. 18 miles will put you
upcoming viewing
at Deal’s Gap Motorcycle Resort. Grab a pic-
spots ahead.
ture of the Tree of Shame, the Dragon, and
The elevation
grab a t-shirt, sticker, or some other souvenir.
changes all along
Run another 11 miles and you just completed
the route, up and
the Tail of the Dragon. This road is very differ-
down starting at
ent than the Cherohala with many tight,
860 feet in Tellico
short, and hairpin curves. It’s lots of fun, just
and reaching the
be careful; the longer straights can quickly
highest point of
end with a tight turn. Once through Deals
5,390 feet. The
Gap, turn around and do it again to head
elevation falls
south toward Robbinsville.
down to 1,200 feet
in Robbinsville.
After Robbinsville, you can
I’ve never checked it out, but
explore other scenic and good rid-
Indian Boundary Campground is
ing roads in the area, or you could
claimed to have some great views turn around and head back across
overlooking the lake and a good
the Skyway. Quite often, I will ride
place to take a break.
the Skyway and simply turn
At the end of the Skyway, you
around, after grabbing a bite to
will stop at the junction with Hwy
eat of course, and head back over;
129; turn right to head into
it’s that much fun to ride. CMA
Robbinsville, North Carolina where
ROUTE: Head east out of Tellico
Plains on TN165/Cherohala
Skyway. The road number will
change to NC143 at the North
Carolina Stateline and you will run
that all the way to Hwy 129.
Along the Skyway you will find
large sweeping curves and great
views everywhere you look. There
are well marked "photo ops" and
places to pull off and enjoy the
views. There are several (3) loca-
tion with restrooms along the
With the exception of a couple
of spots along the route that have
decreasing radius
turns that quickly
become tighter
trip) From the Visitor Center in Tellico Plains
and tighter; the
just a short distance is the road to Bald River
curves are great to
Falls and the Ranger Station on the right, River
maneuver and a
Road. River Road is a very nice little tree-lined
blast to ride. As
ride along the Tellico River. You can view Bald
with any ride,
River Falls right from the road. Be sure to
don’t ride beyond
watch out for people standing on the bridge!
your abilities.
Randal and Lisa Tebeau over-
see the Southeast Region as
National Evangelist.
Robbinsville, North Carolina. They
have brochures and maps that
can help you plan your trip; find
stops, campsites, areas of inter-
est, and restaurants. You can find
a Cherohala map at
Be sure you top off your tank or
have enough gas to cover the
entire distance of the Cherohala
Skyway, there is no gas available
on the Skyway. Gas is readily
available in Tellico Plains and