to Christ, and then disciple some
of them one-on-one. The passion
that the Holy Spirit birthed within
me to disciple others is fulfilled as I
meet and build relationships.
In 2019, I served as the Chapter
Vice President, and then the inter-
im Chapter President, and then
God opened a new door for my
family. My wife, Erica, and I decid-
ed that she should pursue her life-
long dream of becoming a
nurse. As we watched God open
and close doors, I sought prayer
and counsel through my CMA
leadership. Then I learned that the
CMA chapter in Elko, Nevada was
currently inactive but could be
reactivated. After repeated confir-
mations, my family and I risked
everything as we packed up and
moved to Elko in November 2019.
I am still seeking full-time
employment in Elko, but I continue
to see God’s hand in provision
every day. He has filled me with
love and compassion for the Elko
community and a desire to go into
new places to meet people who
need and want one-on-one disci-
I am so grateful to our Father
for my wife, children, grandson,
and my Schneider parents.
Through their love and support,
they have helped to make and
mold me into the person I am
today. I joyfully document my jour-
ney through Facebook and
Instagram at CMA Elko Nevada if
you would like to follow our jour-
ney. This is BB IN THE HOUSE! Ken
Schneider, CMA Elko, Nevada. God
bless you all, fellow soldiers of
Christ! Keep fighting the good fight
and look me up if you are ever in
the area! CMA
Testimony of Ken “BB” Schneider as told to
Gayle Erickson, wife of Nevada Area Rep,
Dave Erickson.
(continued from page 10)
Hotel & Casino. I learned from oth-
ers in the chapter that this was the
first year the booth was in this
particular spot. I worked every
day of that event in the booth
knowing that the Lord had brought
me full circle to that location. He
rescued me at elven years old at
that site and now I was ministering
to the lost in the same place. Only
God provides and coordinates
those type of opportunities.
I was mentored by Nevada Area
Reps, Dave and Gayle Erickson,
and as much as I tried to contain it,
I could not stop serving continu-
ously because of the fire inside me
for the younger generation. I have
an incredible desire to see young
people come to a saving knowl-
edge of Jesus Christ and I am will-
ing to walk it out with them.
Serving the Lord through CMA
has provided me many opportuni-
ties to pray with others, lead many