CMA HeartBeat June 2021 | Page 9



By DONNA Jackson
Ray and Donna Jackson are Coordinators of the six New England States in Region 5 . The below story is of how one chapter followed the state ’ s guidelines by having a winter meeting outside so that they could enjoy one of the aspects of a healthy chapter , fellowship .
Peter Helgerson
past twelve months

THESE have been something none of us could have imagined , and yet we continued our ministry for the Lord through our CMA meetings , fellowship , and witnessing to others . We have all had to adapt to changes in how we meet and where we meet , with some chapters still meeting in restaurants , but for many that has ended at this time . In warmer weather , some chapters were meeting in backyards , and some were even meeting in parking lots , tailgating . The colder the weather has become , the more difficult it has been for many of our chapters to meet . Zoom meetings are a great way to fellowship and see those we care about because , after all , our chapter members are family and we miss seeing each other . In Colossians 2:2 ( NLT ), Paul tells us , “ I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love . I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God ’ s mysterious plan , which is Christ himself .”

One of our chapters really went outside the box , literally , and decided to have their meeting on a cold January afternoon at a park in Massachusetts . Spirit Riders # 861 chapter president , Mark Lloyd , sent out an email letting everyone know when and where they were meeting and what would be going on during that time , and we knew we couldn ’ t miss it ! Campfire , chili dogs , hot coffee , cocoa , and a Yankee Swap of gifts . Every one of their meetings begins with reading the CMA mission statement and saluting the flag , and even though it was cold , they did not waver from their original format . One member , Mike , even brought his motor home so we ’ d have bathroom facilities .
Was it cold ? Yes , it was , but between the campfire and fellowship , it was a warm afternoon ! Sixteen people , including some visitors , decided it was essential to get together and do what they had been doing all year , meeting to share God ’ s love and enjoy each other ’ s company .
Ray and I wanted to share this experience to encourage other chapters to go outside the box and imagine the impossible , for nothing is impossible with God ! ( Luke 1:37 ). Encourage your members to think beyond the normal and come up with some crazy ideas for meetings , and they may become the most memorable meetings ever ( or as we say in New England , EVAH )! We really want to thank Mark and Chrissy Lloyd , and Scott Curtain for this great idea and for making it happen . Remember , it is not where you meet as long as you bring the love of Jesus Christ with you ! CMA
“ And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart , all your soul , all your mind , and all your strength .’ The second is equally important : ‘ Love your neighbor as yourself .’ No other commandment is greater than these .”
God is saying we must love Him and love others . If we love others , we will share the Good News with them .
How ? Biker to Biker Evangelism , it ’ s as simple as one biker telling another biker the Good News about
Jesus .
What does God want from us ? To tell others about His Son , Jesus . CMA
09⎪June 2021⎪www . cmausa . org