CMA HeartBeat July 2024 | Page 5



By JOHN Ogden Sr


the Son makes you free , you shall be free indeed ” ( John 8:36 , NKJV ).
On July 4 , we celebrate our freedom as a country . I am very thankful for the men and women who have served , those who have paid the price , and those who continue to serve so we may enjoy our freedoms .
Freedom is a precious gift that should never be taken for granted . We read in the book of Ephesians of another gift that should never be taken for granted . “ For by grace you have been saved through faith , and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God ” ( Ephesians 2:8 , NKJV ). This is the gift of salvation and comes directly from God . Through the blood shed on the cross , we have freedom in salvation . This is a freedom we must choose to accept and share .
God has called us to take this message of hope to the motorcycling communities and beyond into the world . Through the years , God has blessed CMA with over one hundred million dollars that is invested into world evangelism through Run for the Son . Because of your dedication to serving God , you are changing the world , one heart at a time .
Becky and I are proud to be a part of what God is doing through each of you , as you continue to follow the leading of the Holy
Spirit .
We appreciate your dedication to the call of Jesus . Stay faithful and continue to follow Jesus . You can trust Him . CMA
John Sr and Becky Ogden , John is CEO / Chairman of the Board of Directors . 05⎪JULY 2024⎪www . cmausa . org