CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 7



1 . Pray and ask the Lord for leaders and members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association to be led powerfully by the Holy Spirit .
β€œ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you . And you will be my witnesses , telling people about me everywhere β€” in Jerusalem , throughout Judea , in Samaria , and to the ends of the earth ” ( Acts 1:8 , NLT ).
2 . Pray for the CMA Regional Leadership Meetings ( RLM ) that God would inspire vision for accelerated ministry in 2024 and beyond .
β€œ Then the Lord answered me and said : β€œ Write the vision and make it plain on tablets , that he may run who reads it ” ( Habakkuk 2:2 , NKJV ).
North Central RLM
January 11-13
South Central RLM
January 11-13
Southeast RLM
January 12-13
West RLM
January 18-21
Rocky Mountain RLM
January 18-21
Northeast RLM
January 18-21
3 . Pray for the Seasons of Refreshing ( SOR ) events this month .
β€’ Pray that God would draw members and guests to attend and encounter Jesus at these events .
β€’ Pray that CMA members would experience β€œ overflowing confident hope .”
β€’ Pray that CMA members would learn new useful skills for use in offering hope to motorcyclists .
β€œ I pray that God , the source of hope , will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him . Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit ” ( Romans 15:13 , NLT ).
South Carolina SOR
January 19-20
Oklahoma SOR
January 20
Nebraska SOR
January 26-27
Texas-West SOR
January 26-27
Pennsylvania SOR
January 26-27
Florida SOR
January 26-27
4 . Pray the light of Christ will shine at motorcycling events where CMA members serve and offer hope .
β€œ You are the light of the world β€” like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden . No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket . Instead , a lamp is placed on a stand , where it gives light to everyone in the house . In the same way , let your good deeds shine out for all to see , so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father ” ( Matthew 5:14-16 , NLT ).
Colorado Motorcycle Expo January 27
5 . Pray for the men and women who serve at the CMA International Support Center .
β€’ Pray that God strengthen and sustain each member of the team with His grace .
β€’ Pray that God will provide the right people for needed positions .
β€’ Pray that God would guide in the day-to-day operations of the ministry of CMA .
β€œ So let ’ s not get tired of doing what is good . At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don ’ t give up ” ( Galatians 6:9 , NLT ).
6 . Pray for our nation , our leaders , and for the Gospel to impact the people of our country like never before .
β€œ I urge you , first of all , to pray for all people . Ask God to help them ; intercede on their behalf , and give thanks for them . Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity . This is good and pleases God our Savior , who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth ” ( 1 Timothy 2:1-4 , NLT ).
7 . Pray for an end to war , violence , and suffering in the Middle East .
β€œ Pray for peace in Jerusalem . May all who love this city prosper .
O Jerusalem , may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces ” ( Psalm 122:6-7 , NLT ).
8 . Pray for the prayer lives of CMA members to grow deeper in the coming year , bringing about much fruit in their lives and in the ministry of CMA .
β€œ Yes , I am the vine ; you are the branches . Those who remain in me , and I in them , will produce much fruit . For apart from me you can do nothing . Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers . Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned . But if you remain in me and my words remain in you , you may ask for anything you want , and it will be granted ! When you produce much fruit , you are my true disciples . This brings great glory to my Father ” ( John 15:5-8 , NLT ). You can sign up for the CMA Prays 2024 eNewsletter here . Scan the QR Code to get started !
07βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org