CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 6



06βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org
By JEROD McPherson
β€œ I urge you , first of all , to pray for all people . Ask God to help them ; intercede on their behalf , and give thanks for them . Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity . This is good and pleases God our Savior , who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth ” ( 1 Timothy 2:1-4 , NLT ).
ROOM TO GROW growing prayer connection

A with Jesus Christ could possibly be the greatest fulfillment in your life . Because prayer is a two-way conversation with a living God who loves us and listens and responds when we pray , spending time in prayer intimately connects us to the one thing we need most : the presence of Jesus .

I was constantly growing when I was a young kid , even into my teen years . Growing so fast , in fact , it was hard for my parents to keep me in clothes . Shoes were the worst . For a few brief years , once I was given a new pair of sneakers , my toes pushed through the end of the shoes within a month . My Mom and Dad ’ s solution was to buy my shoes big enough to allow me some β€œ room to grow .”
Our relationship with God through prayer is our vital lifeline to remain in Christ . However , all too often , we view praying as a simple check box we need to ensure we complete in a long line of other spiritual duties . Remember to pray before meals , rides , and at meetings . But prayer is much more than a task .
It ’ s much more than a required activity . It ’ s a connection with the Life-giver ! His mercy-giving and soul-sustaining qualities are ours through our connection with Him in prayer . If I receive His mercy , sustenance , and life when I connect with Him in prayer , I certainly want to have more of these in my life and pray more . In this way , I have much room to grow in my prayer life . As members of the ministry of CMA , we have room to grow in our prayer walk with Jesus .
With this desire for a growing prayer connection with Jesus in mind , CMA will be placing a focused emphasis on prayer in 2024 . The goal is simple : pray more in 2024 . CMA will focus on supporting our members in growing their personal prayer life by providing monthly prayer points and devotional encouragements throughout the year . Sign up for the CMA Prays 2024 e-Newsletter to receive these monthly prayer supports directly to your email . Let ’ s recognize our need for more of Jesus . Let ’ s prioritize spending time with Him in prayer . CMA , let ’ s pray more in 2024 ! CMA
KEYS FOR A GROWING PRAYER CONNECTION WITH JESUS : β€œ Before daybreak the next morning , Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray ” ( Mark 1:35 , NLT ).
A growing prayer connection happens when it becomes a lifestyle we cultivate . It ’ s most effective when it isn ’ t something we do every now and then but a practiced habit . Here are a few brief keys to pick up from the prayer life of Jesus in this short verse in Mark 1 .
β€’ Have a time . Jesus got up early in the morning to spend time with His Heavenly Father . Prayer grows and deepens when we make a daily appointment with God . If it ’ s first thing in the morning , at lunch , or at night before you go to bed , make the appointment and faithfully keep it .
β€’ Have a place . Jesus seemed to have a specific place to pray . He went to pray . When you have a designated place to pray , it helps to remove distractions and keep you focused . One wonders if Jesus prayed in an isolated place to be accessible to worship and pray aloud without anyone else hearing Him . Whether it ’ s a prayer room , prayer chair , or prayer closet , having a specific place you return to again and again to pray helps you grow deeper in prayer .
β€’ Have a plan . When Jesus taught His disciples to pray , He gave them a model prayer . We call it β€œ The Lord ’ s Prayer ,” but it ’ s an example Jesus gave us to use and potentially pattern our prayer time after . Some use this prayer as an outline ; others pray the Psalms and other Scriptures . Still others use prayer guides and devotionals . It doesn ’ t have to look the same ; it just helps when we have a plan as a framework for connecting regularly with God .