CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 16



( continued from page 15 ) is an option . I like to wear a heavy scarf to keep the wind from going down my neck past my jacket . Insulated and waterproof boots are best worn with thick wool socks over a thin sock .
Riders can still get dehydrated in cold weather . Take more breaks . Spend time warming up , drinking coffee , hot tea , or hot chocolate . You can help that drink down with warm apple pie . When and where you stop on cold days may produce an unexpected ministry opportunity . Share a warm drink with a fellow biker as you share the Gospel with them .
We are lucky in Arkansas that we can ride most days year-round . Warm the bike , stay warm , and ride safely when the forecast calls for cold and wet conditions . If the forecast is ice or snow , stay home and stay safe . The final decision for riding in the cold is up to you . If you do not feel safe or comfortable , do not ride . CMA
Mike Phillips is a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation ( MSF ) instructor in Arkansas .
Prayer points :
May God guide our CMA International family as they seek Him for His will and way in this New Year . We ask for wisdom and understanding on how to reach the people He has placed in their path for ministry . We ask for dreams and visions on how to strengthen and grow the CMA International family . 16βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org