CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 15



By MIKE Phillips
WINTER is here . Riding in

WINTER cold weather presents its own set of unique challenges and considerations . Riding in cold weather can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous if unprepared . There are two things to prepare for cold weather : the bike and yourself .

Make sure you warm the bike up enough . Let the engine idle for several minutes to warm the motor and get the oil flowing through the entire engine . Check the tire pressure . Tires lose pressure as the temperature gets colder . Recheck the pressure after the tires are warmed up . A tire that starts with low pressure may gain pressure as it warms up .
Cold tires have less traction than warm tires . I warm the tires with a slow , easy weave in my lane . I simulate weaving around a short cone pattern . This helps warm the tires , producing a better grip on the road . It also helps to warm me up . Bald tires will have almost no traction in cold , wet , or icy conditions . You will be surprised how well tires grip in poor conditions if they have appropriate tread and air pressure . When the temperature gets below freezing , I am always wary of standing water on the road that could cause a patch of ice , even when the weather is dry .
The Louisiana Department of Public Safety produced a set of tips for riding on cold , wet , icy , or slippery surfaces .
β€’ Slow down ( especially before a curve ) to stay within your skill
level .
β€’ Expect slippery roads around curves . Ride slower than you think you need .
β€’ Avoid abrupt lane or speed changes .
β€’ Keep all steering inputs smooth .
β€’ Apply the brakes gradually and gently . The front brake is still the most effective brake on slippery roads if it is applied correctly .
β€’ The center lane can be hazardous when it is raining due to oil on the road . Ride in the tire tracks of other cars .
β€’ Patches of ice tend to develop in low or shaded areas and on bridges and overpasses . Stay off roads covered with ice and snow . If you cannot see the road surface , you do not know what you are riding over .
β€’ Eyesight is limited during rainy , snowy , or overcast days . Wear highly visible clothes to increase your ability to be seen by other drivers . Keep your eye protection clean , whether it is a windshield , face shield , or glasses .
β€’ Allow additional space and time between vehicles and when stopping and starting .
A cold rider thinks more about being cold than safe riding . Riders get stiff and do not turn their heads enough in curves and in traffic to be safe . Dress in layers , starting with a moisture-wicking base , including a shirt and long underwear . Add a thick , warm shirt . A heavy winter jacket is next . Top it off with a wind / waterproof outer layer . A good rainsuit will work as a windbreaker .
I like heated gear , especially the battery-operated kind . Batteryoperated lets you get off the bike and still have heated gear . Heated gear comes in jackets , vests , gloves , and pants . Have enough clothes to stay warm if the heated gear quits working . Leather jackets , chaps , and vests are some of the warmest and best wind-breaking material you can get .
Thick winter gloves , like those made for snowmobiles , are great . Heated grips on bikes and heated gloves are a good addition . I like to wear heavy mittens over thin gloves . Mittens keep your fingers warmer than gloves . Riders rarely use individual fingers to manipulate controls except for cell phones and GPS , and those items should be used when the bike is stopped , and you can take the gloves or mittens off . The outer layer over your hands should be waterproof .
A full-face helmet is the warmest type of helmet .
The shield on a helmet may fog up from your breath in cold weather . There are several products , like snow skiers use , to put on the shield to keep it from fogging . Riding with the shield slightly cracked open will also help . Wearing a do-rag or bandana under your helmet helps keep you warm .
Wear something that keeps the top of your head and ears warm . If you don ’ t wear a helmet , at least wear a hat to help keep you warm and dry . A face mask or neck gator
( continue on page 16 )
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