( continued from page 07 ) end of the age ’” ( Matthew 28:19- 20 , NLT ). “ And all of this is a gift from God , who brought us back to himself through Christ . And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him . 19 For God was in Christ , reconciling the world to himself , no longer counting people ’ s sins against them . And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation . 20 So we are Christ ’ s ambassadors ; God is making his appeal through us . We speak for Christ when we plead , “ Come back to God !’” ( 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 , NLT ). The words of Christ to His disciples before He ascended to heaven provide the foundation for CMA ’ s mission . His “ Great Commission ” is our mission to motorcyclists . We ride the highways proclaiming Jesus and encouraging motorcyclists to become His followers . 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 reminds us we are making the appeal on Jesus ’ behalf . We work for Jesus , His messengers , His ambassadors of the new life . The Bible also encourages us to “ bring others to Christ ,” “ save sinners from death ,” “ explain our hope ,” and “ rescue others by snatching them from the flames ” – all accurate descriptions of the work of evangelism ( 1 Corinthians 9:22 ; James 5:20 ; 1 Peter 3:15 ; Jude 1:23 ). CMA ’ s mission is biblically defined . We believe the Scriptures strongly teach “ going ” and “ making disciples ” is the work of the followers of Christ in the world today .
As CMA members , we are following Jesus ’ example of “ seeking ” the lost . Herb Shreve , CMA ’ s founder , said it like this : “ This is our call , to seek , to go into the highways and hedges and then to save , we can ’ t save them , Jesus saves , but folks we can pay the price . Whatever the price had to be paid , to save , Jesus did . Whatever the price we must pay to get the Gospel to them , we must do . We must be like our Father , we must be like our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ .” This ministry ’ s mission is the evangelization of motorcyclists . For us , it ’ s more than a hobby , more than something to fill our weekends . It ’ s a matter of obedience to the directive of our Lord . It ’ s a calling issued by Christ that each of us have answered . Following His example , we are committed to the mission He gave us . CMA
and Jennifer McPherson , Jerod serves as Vice President Evangelistic Outreach .
16⎪January 2021⎪shop . cmausa . org
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around them .
Do not let others pressure you into doing something you are not ready for . Ride to your skill level . Skills will increase with practice . You are there to have fun not stress over the route .
A day in the dirt can be a lot of fun . You will see country and experience things you cannot find on the pavement . If you need help you may find angels on the trail with you . When you are several miles from pavement , you may be the angel that someone else needs . CMA
Mike Phillips is a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation ( MSF ) instructor in Arkansas .
( continued from page 13 ) the staff at the boys ’ home , and we were told that what CMA shared about Jesus had a huge impact on the boys . Again , not CMA , but Jesus working through His servants . We have kept in contact with the facility . We are currently working on getting Bibles and God ’ s Promises books to the boys , and working on a monthly visit to help the boys grow in their new found faith .
Mike and Teresa Walden serve as State Coordinator for Kentucky .
We hope you enjoy the January issue of the CMA HeartBeat.
If you need to update your address or contact information , please send those requests to membership @ cmausa . org .