( continued from page 14 ) past . It is over . It is done . But we can change our future . It starts with realizing we need Jesus to forgive us and let Him change our hearts and lives . If He can take an insignificant , rebellious teenager and turn him into a man who loves the Lord and serves others , He can also do it for you .
As we finished our conversation , I handed him a New Testament and asked him to read it each day . He thanked me and said he would . He said he would be back for church on Sunday , and I encouraged him to do just that . I told him when he comes to church this Sunday , I would take him out for lunch . He loved that idea and said he would come . Eric went on his way .
I don ' t know if I will ever see Eric again . We will see on Sunday . But for about 30 minutes , we had a good conversation and Eric allowed me to speak into his life . I know I had a little effect on him because he wanted to tell me that I reminded him a little of his dad . The way he said it , I could tell he was trying to give me a compliment . Rather than pushing him away so I could get on with my day , God was able to get my attention and allow me to minister to this man .
How about you ? Are you missing out on opportunities to share God ' s love with others ? If you stop and listen , God will direct your path to people who need to hear the Good News . After all , isn ' t that really why we are here ? CMA
Matthew 28:19 ( NIV ), “ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit .”
Revelation 3:20 ( NIV ), “ Here I am ! I stand at the door and knock . If anyone hears my voice and opens the door , I will come in and eat with that person , and they with me .”
Romans 10 9-10 ( NIV ), “ If you declare with your mouth , “ Jesus is Lord ,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead , you will be saved . For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified , and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved .”
Mitch Graves serves as Area Rep in Colorado .
15⎪January 2021⎪www . cmausa . org