Gear Review
By KERRY Gibson
I first started riding
at 13, tennis shoes,
shorts, and a t-shirt were the gear I
wore. I did wear a little jockey hel-
met. The lip on the front of that
cheap helmet saved my nose when I
hit the back of another motorcycle. I
lost two teeth, but I saved this pret-
ty face. Then when I moved to
Harleys, I wore the attire of the peri-
od: boots, chaps, a leather vest, and
maybe gloves. I had progressed to a
bright red ¾ Harley helmet. The red
helmet saved my noggin when I
plowed into the back of a stopped
school bus.
Later, as I began to ride distance,
I moved to all the gear all the time
with a full face helmet. That gear
saved my skin when I found the
traction limit of knobby tires on a
North Carolina paved road. I am a
free thinker, meaning you do what
you want, but as for me and my
household it’s all the gear all the
time and full face helmets. But, let’s
face it, all that gear gets hot in the
summer. I’ve spent quite a bit of
money trying to lessen the thermal
effect of protective motorcycle gear.
For years, I’ve seen the Bohn ad
in numerous motorcycle magazines.
I’ve wondered about that armored
underwear; however, I never pulled
the trigger and bought it. My think-
ing was I wouldn’t want to crash in
my underwear, it’s just not very
abrasive resistant and since this
stuff looks like underwear it can’t be
very durable. I decided to give Bohn
a try. After a very pleasant conver-
sation with one of the owners, I had
a set of their Cool-Air Pants and
shirt on the way. I had some reser-
vations, but I was very much wrong.
This is high quality gear.
I’ve done around 3,500 miles and
several all-day rides, including one
700 plus mile day.
There’s no way to ride cooler. I
wore the pants under blue jeans and
when moving there was no notice-
able difference with, or without, the