CMA HeartBeat January 2020 | Page 11

Chapter Health By JAY Wilber Mission Statement of the Christian Motorcyclists Association Vision: Changing the world, one heart at a time. We will accomplish our vision through: • Evangelistic outreach primarily, but not exclusive- ly, to the motorcycling community • Run for the Son, where we will partner with ministries with world-reaching potential • Equipping our members in ministry training that aligns itself with Biblical truths • A servant’s attitude to the world and our mem- bers (i.e. “Here if you need us”) • Quality products that aid in evangelistic outreach • An efficient Support Center team Mission: To inspire our leaders and members to be the most organized, advanced, equipped, financially stable organization, full of integrity in the motorcy- cling industry and the Kingdom of God. How do we accomplish our mission? We do it through healthy chapters. Let’s look at the Chapter Purpose in the CMA Handbook in section III:1, Rev 2019, 01/01/2019. Chapter Chapter Purpose is not one that As you can see a Healthy just meets each month, has a eats then Chapters are the lifeblood of meeting, CMA. They are and made goes home. A Healthy Chapter is one that understands up of CMA members uniting for a common purpose its and embraces it and Chapters looks for ways to that of purpose spreading the light of Christ. realize grow and share Jesus with others. their true strength comes in working together, for it guidelines also gives us hints on how do work this is The through the network of chapters that we to can by being balanced in what we do. That’s why we talk events to build relationships that lead to the oppor- about the to 4 tell pillars of a about healthy chapter. tunities people Christ. If you want to Each chapter needs to focus mission has see God in action, being a part on of the a good CMA God chap- given us. We need to put our differences aside and ter is a good place to be. realize we are part of something bigger. We are part of Chapters recognize that was they inspired are part by of the something the ministry of CMA that Holy bigger try to the over- Spirit in than 1975 themselves to seek out and a group of support people called all vision of the ministry. Strong vibrant motorcyclists and share the love of Jesus. chapters are critical are going to fulfill God has When if a we chapter is healthy it’s the full mission of love and given us. If It our chapters the ministry suffers. excitement. has a vision suffer, and desire to complete the A good chapter is a balanced chapter, including task at hand. Members are willing to share in the each of these and four areas in its scope: responsibility commitment of reaching the lost. When the chapter is healthy the • Prayer: sincerely seeking God members and lifting are up not prayer focused on themselves, they are focused on needs (Matt. 18:19; 21:22; Acts 1:14; 1 Tim. the 2:8 min- istry. Attitudes are positive and people are not fun, looking • Fellowship: spending time together having for things to complain about. visiting, and serving (1 Thes. 5:11-17; Hebrews 3:13) (continue on page 14) often we talk about chapter health and the value of it, but do we truly understand what the chapter’s purpose is and how to keep it healthy? “So it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other” (Romans 12:5, NLT). This scripture is a great example of why it is so important to have a healthy chapter. We are one body united both in ministry to motorcyclists and Jesus Christ. No one part can accomplish its purpose without the other. We need each other working together as one. We exist to work together to accomplish the Great Commission that was given to us by Jesus. “Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘ I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20, NLT). Yes, we have heard this many times in our lives and many times in CMA, but it’s our mission. This is not just a scripture to recite when we want to make a point, it’s a call to be an active and effective follower of Jesus Christ. We need to realize we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. We are not alone. Every person throughout history that has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior has been called into the ministry in some way. The Great Commission is our mission statement. CMA has a Mission Statement in our Handbook in section I:1, let’s check it out. S O