CMA HeartBeat January 2019 | 页面 4

From the CEO By JOHN Ogden Sr “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, (NKJV). is a proper order of the things in the Kingdom of God: God first in all things, then the provision will follow. This is true in every area that we touch. As we seek God first for our homes, then we will see God at work in our marriages and in our kids. As we seek God first in the work place, we will see God move us to where He wants us to be. As we seek God first in CMA, we will see Him open doors that we had not thought possible. Within our chapters, when we seek God first, leadership flows from His anointing and gives us direction as a CMA family. God is doing things within CMA on a level that we have never seen before. All glory goes to God for what He has done through you. Thank you for allowing God to use you in the ministry of CMA. Here are a few reminders of God’s provisions that we have recently seen: • 600,000+ people were prayed for with many first time salvations. • Run for the Son reached an all-time high of just under $5M. • CMA is developing a school of ministry for leader- ship training, which will spiritually develop leaders There worldwide to evangelize in the motorcycling com- munity. We are seeing an increase in the intensity of the Spirit of God. You will personally see an increase in the power of God in your lives as you continue to seek first His Kingdom. I know that it is through the prayers of the members of CMA that God is showing His favor on us. I covet your prayers for the ministry, knowing that you are powerful and mighty with God. Your prayers are effecting great change both locally and around the world. 2019 will be a time of growth in ministry, members and provision. Get ready to experi- John and Becky Ogden, ence the power John is the CMA CEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors. of God. CMA VOID Save $5 on a $50 purchase of Goodies. Coupon good at Seasons of Refreshing event ONLY. Coupon for Goodies only-items that start with “G” Codes. Expires last day of last 2019 Seasons of Refreshing event and must be used at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other discount. One coupon per purchase. Must be original, cannot be combined or duplicated. ¶DISC-SOR19]Ä DISC-SOR19