CMA HeartBeat January 2019 | Page 14

RFS National Tip Baking To Raise Money for RFS This isn’t a new tip, but it is worth resharing. The purpose of CMA’s Run for the Son Network is to allow the membership to share ideas and celebrate successes. Here’s a great example of both. received a fundraising tip from a member who was baking small sweet breads and placing them in local businesses with a little sign saying “Donations go to Christian Motorcyclists Association’s Run for the Son.” We sent that tip out and a few months WE later we received a note asking if it would be possible to pass a “thank you” to the lady who came up with the bread idea. She states “my husband and I were praying about a way to invest our seed money and reap a harvest for Christ. When I read this fundraising idea it was like a light bulb came on. I knew this was something I could do. My husband works in a maintenance shop of several hundred guys. We bought the ingredients to make mini loaves of banana and pumpkin bread. He put them in a basket in the break room and offered them for a dona- tion for Run for the Son. The first day we received over $61.00 and that was just with 15 loaves. The baking continues and the money for Run for the Son keeps coming in. Brochures are laid beside the homemade bread with parts high- lighted as to where the donations go. Yea God! What a ride!” This couple turned $30 into $700 to be used to share the Gospel through the Run for the Son. CMA We want to know what you and/or your chapter are doing to support RFS. Send your tips and testimonies to [email protected] or [email protected] Regional RFS Team Leads Region 1 Larry & Jean Bach 425-508-8808 Region 2 Beal & Audry Trahan 303-808-5988 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Steve & Nancy Gorder Dale & Jane Harrelson Jerry & Rebecca Niver Kelly & Denise Newsome 608-574-5543 903-571-4873 740-771-4776 803-593-5351