CMA HeartBeat January 2019 | Page 13

Member Article TATTOOS how do you start a conver- sation with a biker that has tattoos up one arm, down the other and is rather intimidating looking? Most people would proba- bly be hesitant to approach this person, but use it to your advan- tage. Walk up to him and with a big smile point to a tattoo and say “Every tattoo has a story. What is the story behind that tattoo?” This may sound a little strange but just stop and think for a minute. First, you're being noncommittal. Second, you're showing an interest in something that obviously he had an interest in. And third, you're showing an interest in him. I've had some interesting experi- ences using this technique. My first one was when I walked up to a man who had a simple tattoo, just the numbers 1, 12 and 20. So I walked up to him and said, “Every tattoo has a story. What's the story behind that one?” He smiled and said one judge, 12 jurors and 20 years. We spent a half-hour talking about how he had been doing since he got out. Another interesting one was a man that had the word LOSER written in big letters upside down on his right arm. “Every tat- too has a story. What's the story behind that tattoo?” He smiled and said he had a gambling habit and every time he would lay down a bet, he would use his right arm and of course the word “loser” would be right side up to him. That's how he beat the habit and again we talked for quite a while. A lady had a very strange tattoo on her arm. When I spoke with her and asked what her So tattoo meant, she smiled and said give Run for the Son.” The problem it used to be her boyfriend's name, with that is that they have no idea until that jerk left her and she had what Run for the Son is and as far to figure out how to cover it up. We as they are concerned, they are agreed the tattoo did not make any easing their conscience for taking sense, but it served its purpose. I've the coffee. only had one man that did not Then once they see they can freely accept respond very something, maybe they will consider positively and that was while accepting the free salvation offered by we were in a Jesus, which will quench their thirst forever McDonald's with the living water. waiting to get hamburgers. He just smiled and said that was my But here’s another suggestion dumber days, and didn't really for dealing with this topic: make it want to talk about it very much. a learning opportunity. Explain that People with tattoos are just ordi- people are different from anything nary people who may need Christ else in the universe. We can think, in their lives. Each one of them has have emotions, have ideas and a reason they picked their particu- have values. All these work togeth- lar tattoo; maybe they just liked er to make us who we are. For the flower shape or something else example, we feel we have to work that caught their attention at the or pay for everything; we can’t just time. But every tattoo has a story. take something for FREE. CMA is Take advantage of this by engaging trying to show people they can in conversation that points toward accept something for free even if it Christ. is just a glass of water, which will quench their thirst for a little while. DOLLARS Then once they see they can freely OK. How many times have you accept something, maybe they will been at the CMA tent giving out consider accepting the free salva- free coffee and water and someone tion offered by Jesus, which will insists on giving you some money quench their thirst forever with the for the drink? It’s usually not much, living water. That usually ends it, but it is the principal of the thing. and if not, then it opens up for an The coffee is not free if they pay explanation of what free salvation for it. So you go round and round is all about. Try it sometime, it is an with the person. Some solutions opportunity to turn the conversa- that have been presented are for tion toward Christ and salvation. them to give it to another charity, donate it to their church or the one SUPERMARKETS that seems to be most popular with How do you get people to actu- CMA is “we will add it to what we ally witness, I mean really talk to (continue on page 23) By GEORGE Silver