CMA HeartBeat August 2024 | Page 8



08βŽͺAUGUST 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org
1 . Pray for protection for all CMA members as they travel the highways and byways of the United States during the summer heat .
β€œ The Lord himself watches over you ! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade . The sun will not harm you by day , nor the moon at night . The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life . The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go , both now and forever ” ( Psalm 121:5-8 , NLT ).
2 . Pray the Holy Spirit will lead CMA members in their decisions about where to go , who to serve , and who to talk to at motorcycling events happening nationwide .
” And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power . Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil , for God was with him ” ( Acts 10:38 , NLT ).
3 . Pray for CMA State Rallies this month .
β€’ Pray that God would draw members and guests to attend and encounter Jesus at these events .
β€’ Pray that CMA chapters would be unified and inspired while riding to and attending these events .
β€’ Pray that guests at CMA State Rallies would begin a relationship with Jesus or be strengthened in their relationship with Jesus and find a place in local CMA chapters .
β€œ That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons , and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick . This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah : β€œ He took our illnesses and bore our diseases ” ( Matthew 8:16,17 , NLT ).
Alaska State Rally
August 2-4
West Virginia State Rally
August 2-4
Pennsylvania State Rally
August 8-11
California North State Rally
August 9-11
Missouri State Rally
August 9-11
Wyoming State Rally
August 15-18
Minnesota State Rally
August 15-18
Alabama State Rally
August 15-18
Oregon State Rally
August 16-18
New York State Rally
August 16-18
Indiana State Rally
August 22-25
California South State Rally
August 23-25
Tri-State State Rally
August 23-25
Michigan State Rally
August 30-September 1
Accelerate Youth Movement Rally ( Region 2 )
August 31-September 2
4 . Pray for the evangelistic outreach at the many motorcycling rallies , races , and events in August .
Pray for divine appointments and for many laborers to be sent into the harvest .
β€œ And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two , giving them authority to cast out evil spirits ” ( Mark 6:7 , NLT ).
β€œ So the disciples went out , telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God . And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people , anointing them with olive oil ” ( Mark 6:12-13 , NLT ).
National Motocross Championships ( LLMX ) July 27-Aug 3
National Bikers Roundup , Illinois
July 30-August 4
Sturgis Bike Week , South Dakota
August 2-10
Ham-n-Jam , Wyoming
August 7
Easy Rider Rodeo , Michigan
August 16-18
ABATE National Labor Day Rally , Kansas
Aug 29- Sept 1
Home Town Rally , Wisconsin
Aug 29- Sept 2
ABATE Minnesota Rally , Minnesota
Aug 31 - Sept 2
5 . Pray for the large-scale CMA outreach effort at the Black Hills Motorcycle Rally in and around Sturgis , South Dakota .
β€œβ€™ You are the light of the world β€” like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden . No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket . Instead , a lamp is placed on a stand , where it gives light to everyone in the house . In the same way , let your good deeds shine out for all to see , so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father ’” ( Matthew 5:14-16 , NLT ).
6 . Pray that CMA ’ s faithful presence at the National Bikers Roundup in Springfield , Illinois , will be fruitful and led by the Holy Spirit .
β€œ The LORD directs the steps of the godly . He delights in every detail of their lives . Though they stumble , they will never fall , for the LORD holds them by the hand . Once I was young , and now I am old . Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread ” ( Psalm 37:23-25 , NLT ).
7 . Pray for CMA members enduring trials , suffering hardship , or needing a breakthrough .
β€œ O Lord , how long will you forget me ? Forever ? How long will you look the other way ? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul , with sorrow in my heart every day ? How long will my enemy have the upper hand ? Turn and answer me , O Lord my God ! Restore the sparkle to my eyes , or I will die . Don ’ t let my enemies gloat , saying , β€œ We have defeated him !” Don ’ t let them rejoice at my downfall . But I trust in your unfailing love . I will rejoice because you have rescued me . I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me ” ( Psalm 13:1-6 , NLT ).