CMA HeartBeat August 2024 | Page 6


06βŽͺAUGUST 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org
By PETER Helgerson


is a disciple ? The dictionary tells us this : β€œ Any professed follower of Christ , a pupil , a follower .” This means that as a disciple , I am to learn and adhere to the teachings of Christ . It is a new way of living because of the awakening of the newfound grace of God . It requires the disciple to learn Jesus ’ s teachings and grow in an intimate relationship with Him . This new lifestyle is then a choice to obey Biblical Scriptures and a submission to the teaching of Jesus as the only truth .
As children of God and believers in the Word of God as a foundation for life on Earth and eternal life with Jesus , we are charged with sharing the Gospel . This is the first step to making disciples . Matthew 28:18-20 ( NLT ), is where we are given Christ ’ s command , which is most commonly called β€œ the Great Commission .” ” Jesus came and told his disciples ; β€˜ I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth . Therefore , go and make disciples of all the nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you . And be sure of this : I am with you always , even to the end of the age .’” It is evident in this scripture that the charge to us as
believers is to reproduce and teach new believers to become disciples . The first step is to share the Gospel of Christ . But simple head knowledge of Christ is not enough . Think about someone knowing what a car is and that it does exist . However , more than knowledge is needed to operate the vehicle safely to the extent of its ability . The potential driver needs teaching . Or , most people know what fish are . We have seen fish . Most of us have eaten fish , but more than knowledge is needed to catch fish . Mark 1:17 ( NLT ), β€œ Jesus called out to them ; β€˜ Come follow me , and I will show ( teach ) you how to fish for people !’” Jesus was trying to make disciples by teaching them how to disciple others . They had head knowledge of who Jesus is , but they needed to be taught how to make new disciples .
The importance of disciple-making is a key element in the future of Christianity . Without making disciples , there may not be future generations of believers who can proclaim the Good News of the Gospel . And for the ministry of CMA , it can also apply to the growth of our chapters , which in turn becomes the growth of CMA worldwide . Those early disciples were the foundation of Christianity today . Someone had to disciple Herb Shreve with the
teaching of Christ and , through the Holy Spirit , speak to Herb to go into the world of motorcycling to share what he had learned of the teachings of Christ . Now , we are blessed to be a small part of what Herb began by fishing for people .
I think we can all agree that our world needs Christ . It seems we are seeing an increase in immorality and a move away from the teachings of the Bible . I believe this : this world cannot change the truth , but the truth can change the world . Making disciples is simply investing in a new believer , teaching them to obey all God ’ s commands that are given to us in the Word . In the last chapter of Revelation , Jesus says , β€œ I am coming soon .” We can ’ t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow may not come ! CMA
Peter and Laura Helgerson are members in New Hampshire .