CMA HeartBeat August 2024 | Page 5



By JOHN Ogden Sr

β€œ But what things were gain to me , these I have counted loss for Christ . Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord , for whom I have suffered the loss of all things , and count them as rubbish , that I may gain Christ and be found in Him , not having my own righteousness , which is from the law , but that which is through faith in Christ , the righteousness which is from God by faith ” ( Philippians 3:7-9 , NKJV ).

These scriptures deal with having the righteousness of Christ and being found in Him . We must be in Him in order to have His righteousness . This only comes as we become immersed in Him . There is a place of rest and faith in Jesus Christ that can only be experienced by putting Him first in all we do – it is being found in Him . So often in life ’ s difficult situations , we cry out to God , and rightfully so , but He reminds us that He is always there , always in the storm , always the peace of the storm , and always there to conquer the adversary .
As Christians , He dwells within us , but we only know He is there when we are found in Him . There is a secret place of hiding in Him . John 12:24 ( NKJV ) states , β€œ Most assuredly , I say to you , unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies , it remains alone ; but if it dies , it produces much grain .” God wants us to see that we need to die out to ourselves to be resurrected in Him . We must come to a place where the natural life ceases , and by the power of God , we are resurrected into a life where God rules and reigns .
Do we long for Him ? Our longing for Him can only be satisfied when we are found in Him . If we truly
want to know Him , we must yield to Him and obey Him . Only the cries of the Spirit of God within us can bring us to this place . Only when I cease to try to be righteous within myself and totally yield to Him and His righteousness will I experience the secret place of God . What a blessed place it is to be found in Him . My prayer for you , as well as myself , is that we be found in Him . CMA
John Sr and Becky Ogden , John is CEO / Chairman of the Board of Directors .
John Ogden Sr August 2-11 Sturgis Rally Sturgis , SD
August 15-18 No Borders Rally Alexandria , MN
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Charles Hale August 16-17 Tucker Prison Visit
Lyle Herman August 2 -10 Sturgis Rally Sturgis , SD
August 15- 18 No Borders Rally Alexandria , MN
Herman continued August 24 ND Adult and Teen Challenge Run Mandan , ND
Bob Sandberg
Chet Upp
Doug Johnson August 2-11 Sturgis Bike Week Sturgis , SD
August 15-18 No Borders Rally Alexandria , MN
Roger Wilson National / International Support Center Hatfield , AR
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