Chapter Health
By PETER Helgerson
06⎪AUGUST 2020⎪
the Seasons of
DURING Refreshing in
2019, we focused on “Compelling
Them to Come.” The point of those
SORs was to encourage our CMA
members to get out into the motorcycling
community and share the
Good News of Jesus! These events
are put on for us to refresh our true
mission and increase the Kingdom
of God with a “2020 spiritual vision
eye test.”
If you haven’t noticed, our SOR
meetings in the past few years have
encouraged us, through God’s
Word, to go into the world with
boldness for Jesus Christ, offering
new life to all who accept Him.
The following comes from an
email I received from a CMA chapter,
Soldiers of the Cross, in
Middleboro, Massachusetts. During
the messages at their SOR in
February 2019, the Chapter
President, Jim Rusconi, was spoken
to by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the
Great Commission for the chapter.
He said, “During Friday night’s message
a new fire was ignited inside of
me, and now it is spreading through
the chapter.” I don’t know for sure
what the Spirit said to him, but after
reading his email, I am sure it was
God’s will and plan to work through
a CMA chapter for sharing the
Gospel with the lost. Jim also shared
that he was moved by the thought
in Ezekiel 33:6 that indicates that
we, as watchmen, will be held
accountable for what we didn’t do
as children of God. This could be
one of those times where we back
out of an opportunity to speak up
for the message of Christ. Jim said,
“This hit hard for me. Not only will I
get judged for the good and the bad
I have done, but I will also be held
accountable for keeping my mouth
Jim’s spiritual vision cleared to
2020 that day from the Holy Spirit’s
leading and he brought a new vision
and goals to the chapter of a true
mission for the days ahead. With
this new focus, this chapter, which
had not seen a lot of salvations,
recommitments, and other ministries,
had this record for the rest
of the 2019 year.
• 223 Salvations, 7 recommitments,
over 1,900 bike blessings,
and countless bibles and other
ministry ToolBox items shared.
This chapter continues to expand
the Kingdom of God through this
2020 year with new excitement and
desire to keep changing the world,
one heart at a time, with the only
truth, hope, and life there is, the
love of Jesus. Just imagine if every
CMA’er came to their Seasons of
Refreshing and state rally and
caught the 2020 vision for Mission
True. This is what God has called us
to do and it is not hard. It just takes
our willingness to offer the best gift
of all, the gift of eternal life with
Jesus, and a more abundant life
with Christ while we are here on
I’m thankful for people like Jim
who are “Watchmen.” They are not
afraid to proclaim the Gospel of
Christ in these last days before
Christ returns. CMA
Peter and Laura Helgerson
oversee the Northeast Region
as National Evangelist.