Clubhouse Renovation Project Clubhouse Renovation Project | Page 12

Clubhouse Project Schedule

Mid August 2019 Review bid pack with engineering and

architectural designs and building specifications

August 30 Complete and release bid pack to subcontractors

for competitive bidding

August 30 Apply for building permits

August 30 Finalize proposed Interior Design Budget

Early September Conduct project tours for subcontractors

Early September Deadline for subcontractor bid submissions

September 15 Final project estimates from Garrett

November 11 Mid-Year Meeting to present project scope, budget and

interior design plan

December Member vote

January Sign Guaranteed Maximum Price contract with


January Finalize RLH Interior Design purchase agreement

Mid-March Commence construction

Over the next month, we will finalize the engineering specs and bid documents. Throughout this entire process, we have been ever-mindful of the budget goals, member satisfaction, and the future of the club.

This is not an easy task, but a great deal of time, thought, and effort have been dedicated to each decision. We will provide monthly updates in September / October and look forward to presenting the full project scope and budget at the November Mid-Year meeting.


If you have any questions or comments about the clubhouse project, please click HERE to leave feedback.