Clubhouse Renovation Project Clubhouse Renovation Project | Page 10

Clubhouse Project Challenges

As with any construction project, there are always scope and budget challenges.

Below is a summary of the clubhouse challenges. The budget projections for these items are based on Garrett's estimates from the architectural and engineering team. Over the past month, we have explored multiple creative solutions. Although cost estimates for these items are above preliminary estimates, we have achieved lower costs with HVAC replacement, foundation repairs, and the interior budget. In mid-September, we will review the competitive bids and consider all value-engineering options. Before the project scope if finalized, members will be presented all possible options.

Main Dining Room Column

Budget estimates from two builders (Garrett and Build) for the column removal was $35,000. Following structural engineering reviews, we received revised bids from Garrett for 4 possible column treatments. After lengthy review with the builder, architect, Facilities Committee, Nick, and his team, we decided to significantly trim down the existing center column while removing the wall column at the southern kitchen entrance. Currently a server with a tray can't pass through that kitchen door. Chef and Z felt the reduced center column and the removal of the kitchen door column offered the best operational improvement for the room. This decision was unanimously supported by the entire team and is within our budget goal.


In addition to equipment replacement identified by our Capital Asset Study, the estimated kitchen budget also included a new kitchen floor, drains, improved dishwasher plumbing, refurbishing of the hood, new lower level coolers, and new bar equipment. From the fall of 2018 through June, Chef and Nick worked with a kitchen designer to explore the various options to improve kitchen functionality while updating equipment. If budget allows, in addition to the original proposed kitchen scope, we would also like to replace the kitchen walls, ceiling and lighting.