Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 18 | страница 4

To be blurple or not to be blurple

Something strange is happening to the CP Rewritten discord chat - it has blurple-itis! A strange phenomenon where profile pictures mysteriously turn blurple - a cross between blue and purple. Even CP Rewritten's icon is blurple.

This is to celebrate discord's 3rd anniversary and to celebrate, CP Rewritten's discord is going blurple. Even the front cover of this magazine is having a blurple taste.

Somebody mentioned that 'CP Rewritten should have a colour vote and bring in Blurple.' This obviously comes after a sweet Lavender victory last year.

If you see anyone who is refusing to paint their profile picture blurple, encourage them. Persuade them to join in the fun! After all, it is a limited time event.

Blurple party: People with blurple pictures