Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 18 | Seite 3

The Rewritten world is back

CP Rewritten slowly rebuilds as penguins make themselves at home

You've all heard the news - CP Rewritten has once again reopened its doors to the humble Club Penguin Community!

This came about a month or two ago, when the game announced its closure in March. It had a Waddle On party to celebrate its memories made with players of the game, then, March 4th, it closed down, never to reopen again.

But of course, that isn't the case now. The game is back in business and is up and running. A few changes have struck the game since then, for example, a newly designed homepage and new blog systems. I asked some people: How do we feel now that CP Rewritten has reopened?

SpaD: My igloo is filled with puffles

Despacito (ibx): good boye. happ boye