Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 15 | Page 4

Earlier this week, Club Penguin Metro (CPM) recently interviewed Club Penguin Island about the game interface and why what they thought about the haters. If you remember, late last month, Club Penguin posted that even though the haters hate, they will keep trying to improve the game and make it family for everyone.

This Wednesday just gone, I was lucky to interview CP Island about other things about Club Penguin (including if it will be released on the desktop).


CPM: What is your response to the people to hate the game?

CPI: First, no game is enjoyed by everyone. If someone doesn't like Club Penguin Island, that's totally okay! They might like it in the future when we've added a bit more.

CPM: How do you see the game a year from now? Could you give us hints on future parties?

CPI: A year from now, it's tough to say, but we have lots planned for the game. I can't give you any hints, because not even we know exactly whats planned by the developers, but I know it will be very cool no matter what is is!


Issue 15 | 10 September 2017