Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 15 | Page 3

The island gets bigger and party is longer

CP Island and CP Rewritten will be extended

Club Penguin Island and Rewritten will be having an extension. Hmm. Let me sort of EXTEND the topic a bit! (you were suppose to laugh at that. :-| )

The Club Penguin Island team have confirmed that the adventurous island will be extended, so that there will be more rooms in the upcoming updates. In fact, they're going to add a Town (which everybody knows by now) and they're also going to add a Plaza, with the historic Pizza Parlor - only that it won't be called Pizza Parlor, it will be called Franky's. Hmm! Quit FRANKLY I like this idea! (you were supposed to laugh at that as well)

While CP Island will be receiving its extension, CP Rewritten is going to have a slightly different extension. You may have heard that there were a few problems when trying to play the game, with people in the EU bearing the brunt of the problems. Whilst the problem has been fixed, many EU players have missed most of the Wilderness Party (which was suppose to end earlier last week). But to make things fair, CP Rewritten will be extending the party. Ah, thank you CP Rewritten! I want to EXTEND my thanks towards you and CP Island! (ok I'll stop now).


Issue 15 | 10 September 2017