Club of the Month 2022-2023 | Page 4

COTM Explained

What is COTM ?

Club of the Month is a contest that showcases all of the events , projects , and activities hosted by local NJCL chapters . Each month , the top clubs are featured by the NJCL on social media . COTM highlights clubs from September to May .

What should clubs do ?

Whatever you feel spreads passion for the JCL in your chapter . The themes provided are to serve as inspiration , not a rubric . No club is required to adhere to the themes , but basing your chapter ' s events and service projects on the monthly themes will earn you bonus points .

How can clubs be considered for COTM ?

The deadline to enter for COTM is the last day of each month . Any chapter in good standing with the NJCL should enter using the submission form , bit . ly / cotmform .