Club of the Month 2022-2023 | Page 3

Letter from the 2nd VP

Over the past couple of years , astrology has become increasingly popular with members of our generation . As classics students , we know that many of these constellations are tied to the mythology and stories we read in class . For this year ' s Club of the Month packet , I wanted to highlight the stories behind each month ' s star sign while providing ideas and inspiration for clubs ' service projects and social activities each month . Learning about tales from not only Greek and Roman mythology but also a plethora of other ancient cultures has been incredibly enriching for me , and I hope that this year ' s packet will serve as a learning experience for all of you too . Some of these stories you might know , and some you may not , but I challenge you each month to educate others about these classical stories . Whether it is a small quip about Pisces or the tale of Virgo ' s origin , spread some knowledge about the classics within your community .

Ab imo pectore ,

Hena Allaqaband 2022-2023 NJCL 2nd Vice President