ALexANdre meerSON
ceO, meerSON WAtcheS
Alexandre was born and raised in Paris, and owes to his family’s tradition a passion for luxury watches and
jewellery, as well as a relentless pursuit of excellence.
during his apprenticeship years, his father taught him design and great craftsmen educated him in the
techniques of watch making and jewellery.
A designer by craft and a pioneer of digital in Luxury retail and branding, he was involved early on with
the family watches and jewellery business, before working with the world’s most iconic brands in Luxury .
For great names like LVmh and its houses, he remains a board advisor and consultant with a focus on
customer experience, digital strategy, new products design and retail innovation.
It is a lifetime of passion for horology that brought him full circle in 2007 to create his eponymous brand
and launch it in the Surrey hills in 2014.
terrA WALdrON, ccm, cce, ecm
the deSert hIGhLANdS ASSOcIAtION
terra is the chief Operating Officer of desert highlands, a private, gated residential community and
country club in Scottsdale, Arizona. Under terra’s leadership, the community has developed a unique
reinvestment program for attracting property owners and investors to upgrade residential properties.
the results have been a very strong membership and home owner attraction.
terra has been named one of the most influential women in the private club industry by boardroom
magazine, Forbes influential women of the Northwest 2014, awarded the 2016 club executive of the Year
by cmAA, and the mead Grady Award for 2015. She celebrated her 11 year anniversary as the Association’s
chief Operating Officer in October 2017. terra currently sits on the cmAA club Foundation board and
Advisory committee, and is Secretary of NcA’s National board.
A graduate of cornell University’s famed hospitality program.She is a board member of the National
club Association (NcA), and a contributing editor to club trends™ as well as a former member of the
club managers Association of America (cmAA) board of directors.