Climate Action and Sustainability Plan June 2021 | Page 58

( hand-pulling ) is used to remove these invasive species . However , this may not always be practical because of difficult access or the sheer numbers of plants . Effective removal of invasive plants such as black swallowwort requires that the entire root system be removed . If the plant roots are broken or not completely removed , the plant is able to multiply faster and spread its invasive range . Thus , in recent years as black swallowwort has dramatically increased , we have selectively used herbicide applications following strict environmental guidelines , as shown in the table below .
The following table shows the complete list of pesticides used on the grounds of the Cemetery over the last ten years :
Insecticides : Conserve ( for winter moth )
32 oz
24 oz
15 oz
36 oz
60 oz
90 oz
150 oz
Horticultural Oil ( for adelgid )
46 gal
45 gal
31 gal
44 gal
25 gal
37 gal
32 gal
23 gal
Transtect 70 WSP ( soil drench - adelgid )
6 oz
12 oz
2 oz
Bandit ( soil drench for adelgid )
33 oz
Cross-Check ( black vine weevils )
16 oz
16 oz
24 oz
32 oz
24 oz
18 oz
Inject-A-Cide ( Bidrin for birch borers )
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
240 ml
Fungicides :
Agri-Fos ( phytophthora on beech )
3.5 gal
2.5 gal
5 gal
1 gal
1 gal
1 gal
1 gal
Imosol ( Dutch elm disease capsules )
20 oz
20 oz
Tebuject 16 ( Dutch elm disease )
576 ml
576 ml
576 ml
576 ml
576 ml
Herbicides : Dimension ( crabgrass pre-emergent )
2000 lbs
900 lbs
600 lbs
550 lbs
800 lbs
Lesco Pre-M 1.5 % ( crabgrass )
150 lbs
120 lbs
360 lbs
550 lbs
400 lbs
400 lbs
440 lbs
480 lbs
Roundup Quick Pro Granular
365 oz
216 oz
249 oz
171 oz
198 oz
212 oz
220 oz
166 oz
92 oz
51 oz
Lock-Up ( broadleaf weeds )
2000 lbs
1000 lbs
950 lbs
900 lbs
775 lbs
Garlon 4 Ultra ( black swallowwort )
135 oz
36 oz
6 oz
14 oz
20 oz
Ortho Max - Poison Ivy & Brush Killer
76 oz
60 oz
At Mount Auburn ’ s 10,000 square foot greenhouse , effective cultural controls including clean propagation and growing areas are essential for ensuring plant health . High quality compost introduced into soil mixes , along with compost tea and organic fertilizer applications , support strong plant growth . When stress and / or damage to specimens is observed , action is taken . This may be in the form of beneficial insect releases to control pests on greenhouse crops and in the cut flower / trial gardens outside of the glass houses . Host plants that attract beneficial insects are incorporated into planting plans and placed among crops on growing benches in the greenhouse . The establishment of beneficial insect populations on crops and in garden soil helps to limit pest and / or disease outbreaks . Following is a list of beneficial insects released in the greenhouse over the past several years :
• Neoseiulus cucumeris is a generalist predator we use on the leaves of our crops . They are a type of mite that feed on whiteflies , thrips , spider mites , aphids , and psyllids .
• Stratiolaelaps scimitus is a predatory mite that lives on the soil surface and feeds primarily on the larva of fungus gnats and thrips .
• Mesoseiulus longpipes are another mite we use during the hot dry days of summer . They feed primarily on spider mites which grow under the same conditions .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 55