years . In an effort to do all that we can to prolong the life of these iconic trees , we have experimented with Agri-Fos fungicide applied directly on the bark of the beech trees . It appears to have been effective on at least some of the beech trees .
Weed Control : By far our biggest challenge related to the use of pesticides is maintaining our turf in the areas of the Cemetery most actively visited by families paying tribute to their loved ones . They have expectations regarding how the grass should look , and in a nutshell they do NOT want to see weeds and they are upset when crabgrass is sprawling over their flat marker . Families are also very vocal with complaints called in to the office , so action must be taken regularly . All season long we have to stay on top of mowing and string-trimming weekly in the “ active ” areas such as Birch Gardens , Willow Pond , and the “ Meadow ” near the greenhouse . In order to minimize the amount of time spent reacting to complaints , in recent years we have been forced to be pro-active by applying crabgrass pre-emergent control ( Dimension and Lesco Pre-M ) each spring in a few of the most actively visited areas . We have also used Lock Up broad-leaf weed control in selected high profile , “ active cemetery use ” areas . For the rest of the grounds , however , we do not use any chemical herbicides or fertilizers to maintain the turf . As noted in the “ Turf Management and Alternatives ” chapter , we mulch fallen leaves in place each autumn to return the organic matter and nutrients to the soil .
Figure 3 – Fortunately , the use of black plastic for covering smaller defined areas within curb and fence lots for several months to kill weeds and weed seeds has proven to be successful .
In past years we have used the broadspectrum herbicide Roundup ( glyphosate ) in areas where we are converting weed-filled grassy areas into naturalistic fescue or wildflower meadows or other mixed groundcover plantings . Without effective weed control , we could not successfully make these conversions because of the huge investment in labor manhours we would otherwise have to make to physically control the weeds until the new plantings become established . Roundup was always thought to be the safest herbicide because it does not linger in the soil or the environment . Now that it has been listed as a possible carcinogen , we are using up our remaining limited supply and are phasing out its use . Fortunately , the use of black plastic for covering smaller defined areas within curb and fence lots for several months to kill weeds and weed seeds has proven to be successful , but we have not yet found an effective replacement for Roundup for converting larger areas from weedy turf to naturalistic plantings .
We regularly monitor for invasive , non-native plant species in areas that are not regularly mowed such as steep slopes or naturalistic character zones . Whenever possible , mechanical removal
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 54