Mount Auburn ’ s Sustainability Working Groups have been important participants , sounding boards , and contributors to this Climate Action and Sustainability Plan . The Energy and Greenhouse Gas Working Group has diligently recorded gas and electricity use for over ten ( 10 ) years and has given voice to the greenhouse gas emission targets . We want to particularly acknowledge Gus Fraser , Vice President of Preservation & Facilities , for his active involvement in the Working Group and his leadership in making our facilities more energy efficient . The Education and Engagement Working Group has excelled in finding ways to share Mount Auburn ’ s message , including ‘ Sustainability Shorts ’ – videos of great things that are happening at Mount Auburn . To all contributors and writers of Eternally Green articles , your words influenced the narratives included in this plan . The Landscape and Habitat Working Group continues to personify Mount Auburn ’ s extraordinary commitment to sustainable land care , and we make a special shout out to Paul Walker , Superintendent of Grounds , for his ongoing search for energy and performance improvements in the fleet of vehicles and equipment as well as his long-time leadership in making the composting and recycling center a regional model of excellence . Also , many thanks to Dennis Collins , Horticultural Curator , for his long-range understanding and view of the future of Mount Auburn ’ s plants and to the Plant Collections department for contributing iTree research on the carbon storage , sequestration and ecosystem services of Mount Auburn ’ s trees . And thank you to the accounting department for tracking monthly fuel purchases that fill the gas tanks of vehicles and equipment .
Every effort was made to be honest , clear and readable ; we take full responsibility for errors , omissions or misconstruing the words of others . Your actions and the data you have compiled are what comprise this Climate Action and Sustainability Plan . Thank you !
We look forward to seeing continued progress and to hearing about future accomplishments by the incredible Mount Auburn team , including actions taken by the newly formed IDEA ( Inclusion , Diversity , Equity and Accessibility ) staff working group and trustee committee . Finally , a special thank you to the members of Mount Auburn ’ s Board of Trustees who have encouraged and championed the completion of this Climate Action and Sustainability Plan .** Carbon neutrality by 2050 is a matter of urgency for all of us !
In Climate Action , Candace Currie , Paul Kwiatkowski and David Barnett June 2021
** On June 10 , 2021 , the Board of Trustees of Mount Auburn Cemetery voted unanimously to approve the following resolution :
“ To endorse the philosophical commitment of the Climate Action and Sustainability Plan document that will guide Mount Auburn for years to come and to express our appreciation for all the early and forward-thinking activities outlined therein .”
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan viii