Climate Action and Sustainability Plan June 2021 | Page 4

Message from Mount Auburn ’ s President

I am extremely pleased to introduce this organization-wide Climate Action and Sustainability Plan ( CASP ) that provides the framework and a set of strategies and goals for Mount Auburn Cemetery to achieve 100 % carbon neutrality by 2050 . If we truly care about the future of our planet for our grandchildren and future generations , the time to act is now ! The effects of climate change and the damage being done to planet Earth have become crystal clear . As my friend and colleague – Richard Piacentini , CEO at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh – has often said to inspire so many of us in the public horticulture world and beyond , “ Being less bad is not good enough .” We all need to follow Richard ’ s lead by reducing and even eliminating our carbon footprint . We have seen that it can be done !
This plan culminates a concerted effort by staff over the past twelve years to collect data on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions due to mobile combustion from our fleet of vehicles / equipment and all gas and electricity use in our facilities . Using 2010 as our base year , the “ Climate Action Plan ” portion ( Part II ) of the CASP now summarizes and documents the progress we have made over the past twelve years in reducing our greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions by 28 %. More importantly , it sets short-term , medium-term , and long-term strategies and goals for achieving the ultimate goal of 100 % carbon neutrality by the year 2050 . The plan includes broad strategies and some specific goals and actions for each category of GHG emissions that will undoubtedly be revised in future years as Mount Auburn continues to monitor rapidly accelerating technological advances .
With the active support and formal approval by the Board of Trustees in June 2021 , this is an exciting and critically important philosophical commitment by Mount Auburn ’ s board and staff . I understand , of course , that future actions will be subject to the annual organizational budgeting and project-prioritizing decisions , but to have this document formally approved by the Board is a huge step which ensures that continued discussions about taking steps to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 will occur .
In addition , the “ Sustainability ” portion ( Part IV ) of the CASP includes several “ narratives ” summarizing our efforts over the past 25 years to be more environmentally sensitive in all that we do . Strategies for mitigating and adapting to a changing climate are also highlighted . Topics include increasing biodiversity in our plant collections , carbon storage and sequestration by Mount Auburn ’ s 5,000 trees , turf management and alternatives , efforts to improve wildlife habitat , water quality and consumption , recycling / composting , materials management , integrated pest management , and engagement / outreach / education . The Sustainability Index developed by the American Public Gardens Association ( see Part I ) has provided valuable guidance and inspiration for the development of Mount Auburn ’ s Climate Action and Sustainability Plan .
With my pending retirement as President & CEO in September , Mount Auburn recently completed an 18-month Strategic Bridge Plan to provide a framework for organizational priorities and ensure a smooth transition to new leadership . The Bridge Plan comprises three themes of Openness and Welcome , Beauty and Serenity , and Sustainability and Stewardship , which dovetail beautifully with the APGA ’ s Sustainability Index . One of the stated goals is to “ Foster the health , sustainability , and resilience of the landscape and built environment .” Completion of our Climate Action & Sustainability Plan was one of the key action steps toward this goal . Now it just has to be implemented !
While I am proud of what the amazing Mount Auburn team has already accomplished , there is so much more that must be done to achieve our ultimate goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 . I look forward to following Mount Auburn ’ s progress toward this goal , and I certainly hope that this plan will continue to be widely shared among colleagues and the public and that it will inspire others to act as well .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan vii