Clearview North September 2014 - Issue 154 | Page 6
GGF Disappointed with
Green Deal Fund Closure
The GGF says it is disappointed
that new Energy Minister
Amber Rudd has been forced
to shut down the Green Deal
money back scheme, following
a sudden surge in applications
which cleared out £70 million
of ring-fenced budget in just
two days. The entire £120m
budget was intended to last 12
In a statement, DECC
confirmed that “all applications
received prior to the fund
closing that satisfy the terms and
conditions and meet the eligibility
criteria will be honoured at the
original rates”.
Nigel Rees, GGF Group Chief
Executive commented, “The Fund
has done virtually nothing for the
window industry as homeowners
only qualified for the fund, if
they were replacing single glazing.
This was a relatively pointless
requirement because there’s very
little single glazing in owner
occupier homes. It’s fair to say, no
other industry had such a proviso
put upon them and yet again the
window industry has been offered
practically nothing from this
initiative. With such low impact
during its existence there will be
little difference to the replacement
window industry now that it has
LABC welcomes new online
inclusive design hub
LABC (Local Authority Building Control)
has welcomed the creation of a new online
hub that will bring all legislation, guidance
and best practice notes relating to inclusive
design into one area to improve building
access to all building users.
The objective of the new independent
portal launched on Thursday 17 July by the
Design Council is to improve building design,
surroundings and access to give people equal
opportunities and protect the vulnerable.
This includes, among other things, having
suitable disabled access facilities in all
buildings, something LABC champions
through its Part M training course for
architects, designers, house builders, surveyors,
building managers and owners among others.
‘submit your idea on the hub’
Paul Everall, Chief Executive of LABC,
welcomed the role taken by the Design
Council, saying: “Many different professionals
working within diverse roles can affect
standards of inclusive access to buildings.
Building control has a role and we believe the
creation of a single information repository
will help everyone find the information they
need to get standards, design and construction
If you have a resource you think should be
included in the hub, contact Design Council
on 020 7420 5200 or submit your idea on the
hub itself.
Find out more about available LABC training
dates for Part M Building Regulations training
CPA to take cut VAT
campaign to Westminster
The Consumer Protection
Association (CPA) is supporting
the campaign to remove VAT on
home improvement products.
CPA Director Jeremy Brett
comments: “The economy has been
jump started through building and
construction but what about the
home improvement market?
“If you knock down a house and
start again you don’t pay VAT but
if you want to improve your home,
you do. This makes no sense.”
SEP 2014
The CPA also says that the
removal of VAT in this sector
would not only see an increase in
work for installers but also help to
eradicate the black market.
‘this makes no sense’
Jeremy Brett adds: “We know
others have started similar
campaigns and we are not reinventing the wheel. We feel,
however, that it’s important for us
to proactively get involved, as it’s an
issue that our members do raise.
“Getting rid of VAT on home
improvement products would be
a massive boost for the industry,
as many homeowners would be
able to afford window and doors
The CPA has started an online
government petition to raise
100,000 signatures, a threshold that
will mean the issue gets debated in
To read more, visit