Clearview National November 2019 - Issue 216 | Page 23

PROUD SPONSOR OF INDUSTRY NEWS INDUSTRYNEWS A WORD FROM OUR HEADLINE SPONSORS The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) headline sponsored this year’s Glazing Summit. James Lee, Director of External Affairs at the GGF took to the stage to provide the opening remarks and he was hugely impressed with how the day unfolded. “The GGF was delighted to be the headline sponsor of a truly exceptional Glazing Summit,” commented James. “With first class speakers, healthy debates and highly topical content, all delivered in an excellent venue, it was more than anyone could ask. “Extremely well organised from start to finish, the leaders dinner in the evening was the icing on the cake. “Congratulations to the Insight Data and the Purplex Marketing teams - you gave the industry a tremendous boost with this superb event.” SIGHTS FIRMLY SET ON 2020 With the announcement that the Glazing Summit will be back next year to firmly establish itself in the glazing industry event calendar, attention has already turned to 2020. And with 98% of delegates stating that they would attend again, this year will be a hard act to follow. “Last year’s conference was really good, but as the first of its kind there was much to learn,” said Andrew. “For this year we listened to the feedback and will continue to do so to shape the event for next year and the years to come. “Our challenge now is to take on board what worked and what could be improved on and come up with a plan to really push the event on and raise the bar again next year. “It’s a challenge we’re looking forward to.” Preparations for Glazing Summit 2020 are already underway, and it will be back at Edgbaston Stadium next October, with the date to be confirmed. If you missed out on sponsoring and partnering with the Glazing Summit this year, make sure you get on board for next year. C L E A RV I E W-U K . C O M » N OV 2019 » 23