Clearview 260 - July 2023 | Page 59

FIT Show Review


» THREE VERY HAPPY buyers have taken ownership of the machines which were featured on the Emmegi ( UK ) stand at FIT .
Paul Tonks from Wow Aluminium in Gainsborough shook hands with Sales Manager Martin Linnell on his new Itaca Solution Crimper
Kanji Hirani , Managing Director of Maidstone based Kawneer specialist Leay Windows , came to the show to sign the deal on a new Comet X4 CNC machine with Sales Manager Andrew Jones . And , after the show the Phantomatic M4L which also featured on the stand , was delivered to Darius Daugela from Tru Windows in Camberley .
Ian Latimer , Managing Director of Emmegi ( UK ) said : “ There ’ s never been any doubt about the value of the FIT Show to the machinery sector . It ’ s almost a unique opportunity for anyone who ’ s in the market for a new machine to see various models up close and in action . They can directly compare competitors side by side and get advice on the best model for their needs .
“ Darius from Tru Windows actually saw a Phantomatic for the first time on our stand at FIT in 2022 , so it was particularly timely that the machine he ordered as a result of that visit was on display this time around .”
Wow Aluminium is a dedicated Emmegi ( UK ) customer with an impressive factory which already includes a 4-axis Phantomatic
M4 machining centre and Precision TS2 twin-head saw . The Itaca Solution crimper is a valuable addition to the production set up , saving time and enhancing the quality of the finished frame corners .
Paul said : “ I ’ ve been so impressed by the quality and service from Emmegi ( UK ) that I recommended the Phantomatic M4 to my brother for his fabrication business and I even put an Emmegi profile trolley on my Christmas list .”
Also an existing Emmegi ( UK ) customer , Leay Windows has bought the 4-axis Comet X4 to update the 3-axis Phantomatic T3A which is already in the factory . Kanji Hirani , commented : “ It was a nice touch to see the Comet X4 branded to Leay on the stand – a great example of personalised service .”
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