ear Rob,
I would like to address some of your
comments that were in your last Editor’s
Note in the April issue of the CleanInformer
I agree with you that an editor with
experience in the field in which the magazine
he edits will have a definite advantage when
reviewing content and making the needed
changes. Especially when it comes to
situations that are not classroom, but “in-thefield” experiences that cannot be replicated or
taught in a class setting behind a desk or table.
I believe, however, that at least one of the
industry magazines has as its editor a former
carpet cleaner, which is good. He, like you,
has empathy for the man that has to “dance”
with the wand all day!
You next address an area of our industry
which has been very close to my heart, one
involving the education and certification of
technicians in our industry and the desire to
unify the industry under one organization.
You are most correct when you stated, “that
schools help many cleaners.” Having an
organization that is able to promote, organize,
and certify technicians in the many fields of
cleaning and restoration in our industry is
critical to the transformation of the way that
we as an industry deliver professional services
and of the way the public views us as a whole.
There are some things that you said that I
agree with and others that I do not believe to
be as accurate as they could be and I wo ձ