Now let ’ s say , you are a carpet cleaner and you mail a client newsletter and get 5 jobs per month , jobs you would not have otherwise booked . ( Easy breezy !) Imagine each of these repeat jobs averages $ 250 . That translates into $ 1,250.00 per month or an extra $ 15,000.00 per year . And that ’ s conservative , most my members who send a monthly newsletter report much , much higher numbers to me .
Now , before I go any further let me acknowledge that ( if you are a good company ) you probably get some referrals “ organically ” right now . But if you want to really see your bank account swell this year you need to be harvesting referrals from your happy , loyal clients .
Skyrocket Referrals Without Even Trying …
Think about this , all of your clients are having conversations with friends and family that can produce lots of referrals for you . You just have to make your clients aware , through your newsletter , that you would like them to send you referrals . And when you build awareness , you build momentum .
And what happens with this momentum ? You get what I call “ client compounding ”. Just like interest compounds , so can your clients .
Let ’ s say you generate just 3 referrals per month from your newsletter . That ’ s easy to do with a client newsletter that specifically asks for referrals month after month . And let ’ s say , each referral is a very modest $ 250 job average . That ’ s an extra $ 9,000.00 per year … combine that with the repeat business increase of $ 15,000 and you have an EXTRA $ 24,000 in yearly revenue that you ’ re just leaving on the table if you ’ re not sending a newsletter .
These results are just examples but they are VERY realistic , in fact they could even be called conservative . This is why so many of my members over the years have reported six figure increases to me , even some in the first year they use my systems . When you crunch the numbers with your own business you can see how this could be done .
Remember these days your best approach to marketing is to integrate your online and offline efforts . That means you could send out weekly email updates and reminders to look for your newsletter , include highlights from your newsletter and monthly specials in tweets and posts .
Even with the explosion of technology there is still no better , proven , or more profitable marketing effort you could put forth , than a client newsletter . A really great direct response client newsletter continues to be one of your best tools for increasing your repeat and referral business .
An Inexpensive Way to Test Your Clients ’ Response to a Newsletter !
For free access to an inexpensive way to test the kind of response you ’ d get from doing a regular client newsletter , I invite you to get my FREE “ I Miss You Strategy ” today . This FREE strategy gives you the complete details of running a small-scale test to your clients and you can gauge the ( typically VERY profitable ) results and determine if a newsletter is right for your company . People are telling me they really love the results of the test , so please check out the comments posted below the videos once you ’ ve registered for the strategy . So get started on your way to making more money with your cleaning business by going to www . RichCleaner . com right now .
Joe Polish is the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing Inc ., and the creator of the Rich Cleaner™ System for Professional Cleaners & Restorers and the Elite Cleaners Group™ online membership . His marketing expertise has been utilized to build thousands of businesses of all sizes , from small mom-n-pop cleaning companies to large multi-national corporations . Check out Joe ’ s FREE “ I Miss You ” strategy and discover an Easy , Lucrative , and Fun ( E . L . F . ™ ) way to start making more money with from your existing clients , and get higher paying jobs right away . Go to www . RichCleaner . com to get started .