Clean energy investment : A transition towards renewable energy Renewable Publication 2017- September | Page 9

North Bali International Airport : Designing a low carbon energy island to restore prosperity for the region. North Bali Airport ‘‘A capacity of 20 to 32 million is a major objective to impact the economy in a positive way and sustain growth in the region.’’ T he International Airport of Denpasar has reached a saturation point. The Indonesian Government has decided to create a second airport to ease congestion in the South of the island: the purpose of this development is to form a new type of tourism which will permit to enhance diversity and reinforce our presence in Asia. A major hub has to be constructed in North Bali in accordance with the community, our objective is to maintain a capacity of 20 to 32 million of passengers per year to create a positive dynamic in the region and promote balinese culture in Asia. To achieve our objective , we aim to build the Airport on a total area of 1560 hectares accompanied by a Aerotropolis which will permit to create a solid urban complex without affecting biodiversity or the natural environment surrounding the region to preserve the beauty of Bali. Exhibit 5 Airport Kinesis planned to build the entire project on sea to maximize energy efficiency, a technological challenge for every actor in the region. Cooperating with local companies to produce a smart infrastructure, the airport platform will include nearly 220 types of trade which allow several companies to integrate the process of construction. We’re in charge to establish legal and technical studies of the project with the assistance of TransAsia Consultants (TAC Consultant Indonesia) which is a major actor in the region. A large group of people will benefit from this project , our project will create several jobs and our performance will allow various companies to sustain growth. To maintain their economic performance and sustain their place in the region : infrastructure will be a crucial objective that we have hope to realize. North Bali Airport : Airport Kinesis seize an opportunity to design a low carbon island to conceptualize an ZEA (Zero Energy Airport) in order to form prosperity and biodiversity. Clean energy investment : A transition towards renewable energy to conceptualize a post-oil city. 9