CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 72

Member NEWS

Avant Business Services & Affiliates E-Commerce Expansion

With the expansion , Net Zero Logistics has secured an 80,000-square-foot warehouse / sort facility in Brooklyn , NY . The new facility gives the company an opportunity to capture the increased demand of ecommerce markets in the US , Asia , India and Europe . The facility will support sortation for our Hartford , Stamford and new Boston operations .
Business Services & Affiliates is excited to announce its expansion in the North East region . Over the course of the last five years , Avant Business Services & Affiliates , Net Zero Logistics , Cornucopia Logistics & Service Warehousing and Logistics , leading last-mile logistics provide have experienced exceptional growth with particular growth in micro-mobility last-mile delivery for ecommerce in urban markets .
The expansion in the North East region is a massive milestone for Net Zero Logistics & Affiliates . In September 2023 , the company launched in Boston , MA , as the first piece of the puzzle for regional expansion . Net Zero Logistics has partnered up with the City of Boston and Boston Delivers to help Boston scale their electric cargo bike delivery program . This partnership further helps the company provide more businesses in Boston with access to carbonless deliveries and explore alternative delivery options . Net Zero Logistics & Affiliates is excited to offer our micro-mobility services in another major city .
To complete the expansion , the warehouse will also support further establishment of micro-hubs for our e-cargo bike / walker distribution solutions for more customers in New York City . Net Zero Logistics & Affiliates is excited to utilize the warehouse to not only offer customized micro-mobility services to customers but also help New York City further reduce the number of vehicles and congestion on the road daily .
“ Operationally , it is a substantial change in our traditional method of how we deliver and how we think about delivering . The investment required in equipment and retooling our operation is significant , but the benefit to our society of reducing our carbon footprint far outweighs the costs ,” says Stuart Hyden , President & COO of Net Zero Logistics & Affiliates .
Net Zero Logistics & Affiliates is partnering with national parking companies and the NYCDOT to establish locations for our micro-hubs . The micro-hubs will be strategically located throughout New York City for presorted routes to be dropped off at while having e-cargo bikes to complete the final mile delivery within a two-mile radius . Buildout
72 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I fall 2023