CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 61

they had branches worldwide that we never even considered doing work for . We just took what they offered and didn ’ t ask about other opportunities .
I recently spent a week in Amsterdam , talking with companies from all over the world at a Post and Parcel conference . Very few attendees were there from the US , which was kind of surprising to me . You know , 4000 + people showed up to that event and I would say that I met less than 50 from the U . S . The rest of the world was represented very well there . There are just so many cross-border opportunities U . S . -based couriers aren ’ t even considering .
When I was the president of CLDA , we focused on growing our national footprint . But we didn ’ t focus on the international component . With business slowing down , I think it ’ s an excellent time for us to do that right now . Just because business is slowing down doesn ’ t mean it has to slow down for your company . It means you must get out there and hustle business . And if you ’ re just doing the same old , same old and only looking at what ’ s easy and what ’ s going to fall into your lap , you ’ re missing out on some huge opportunities .
CLDA Mag : Where do you see things going ?
Howard : I want my work with WPA to open up opportunities for members of the CLDA and others in the last-mile . CLDA has an international component , but we have never really gone outside our comfort zone to talk to people about it . I need to change that because there are many opportunities in a network like this and an association like the CLDA .
When I think back on my company , I realize that 90 % of my business came from people I met along the way through the CLDA , the ECA , the Florida Messenger association , the air cargo folks and so many other places . Now , I want to help those people step up to the global stage .
I started with the WPA in July , and the people I ’ ve met and the opportunities I ’ ve seen for our members to move onto the global stage have been remarkable . It ’ s just opened my eyes to what a great opportunity I have here to introduce my friends and colleagues in the industry in the US .
CLDA Mag : Leave us with some parting thoughts .
Howard : CLDA members need to start thinking outside the US to get business and Expand your network . The word on the street ( or should I say , ‘ the globe ’?) is that Americans don ’ t travel . The world comes to us , so we think we don ’ t need to travel . But I ’ ll tell you this : if you follow that philosophy as a businessperson , you ’ re missing a world of opportunities . So , get out there ! CLDA
Want to keep the conversation going ? Reach out to Steve at steve @ worldparcelalliance . com
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