CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 60

... you must get out there and hustle business . And if you ’ re just doing the same old , same old and only looking at what ’ s easy and what ’ s going to fall into your lap , you ’ re missing out on some huge opportunities .
It ’ s been great . I know I can pick up the phone and pretty much talk to anybody in our industry

I ’ d also tell you that WPA will help you get onto that world stage . We offer training , certifications , here in the US and get an audience . Getting out of insurance , free global wire transfers and financial the logistics business as an owner was something protection that assures you you ’ ll be paid for your that I knew I would have to do at some point , and work , up to $ 25,000 . this opportunity presented itself . So that ’ s how I got here .
CLDA Mag : You ’ ve anticipated my next question : If I ’ m the little Obston Delivery Company
CLDA Mag : If I ’ m the Obston Delivery Company , tell me why I should jump onto the world I don ’ t believe I ’ m big enough or important
and I ’ ve been delivering goods in New England , stage by joining the WPA . enough to do business with international companies . What would you say to me ?
Howard : I ’ d first say that it will connect you with many business opportunities . Freight forwarders use couriers , whether it ’ s the first-mile , tentially substantial opportunities . The old saying ,
Howard : I would say you ’ re missing out on po-
middle-mile or final-mile . That , right there , is a “ We don ’ t know what we don ’ t know ” is true as huge benefit . it relates to developing a global pipeline of customers . I can tell you that having owned a Florida-based company for many , many years , I had
Right now , we ’ re building this network of parcel carriers . We ’ ve already partnered up with a incoming opportunities from all over the world . company called YTO . They are the second largest We had a huge component of our business that shipper in Asia , moving 36 billion packages in Asia was moving freight containers and international alone . They are building their own airport outside air freight . That was probably the largest piece of of Shanghai and are building a huge international our business coming in from outside the U . S ., but model . Their goal is to expand into the US and I never went outside of the U . S . to look for those Europe starting this year . I ’ ve already turned them opportunities . They came knocking on my door on to several CLDA members and they are already typically from a U . S . -based carrier . Sometimes , doing business with them . The goal is that we not the relationship developed because one of my only bring them opportunities with these freight salespeople would go out and solicit U . S . -based forwarders , we also bring members of the network companies . For example , we serviced eight U . S . opportunities on the parcel and courier side . branches of a huge international company , but
60 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I fall 2023