CLDA FALL 2023 Magazine-final | Page 33

“ If the best last-mile delivery technologies have one thing in common , it ’ s their ability to automate the presentation of data while making it actionable for carriers .”
additional requirements for shipments in transit . Carriers will play a big part in these compliance requirements , such as tracking at the individual item level , establishing a transparent chain of custody , and additional item attribute tracking . This will be almost impossible if carriers don ’ t leverage the right delivery technology in 2024 .
Embracing artificial intelligence
Every step of the supply chain will be touched by artificial intelligence ( AI ) very soon . Last-mile carriers will increasingly look to technologies that can learn and heal on their own . This is important for carriers because those who embrace artificial intelligence and machine learning will have a vital role in the future .
This is not as new a concept as you may think . Cars and trucks have had on-board diagnostic systems for decades . These have been able to recognize their problems and alert drivers of the need to take action . But today ’ s AI and machine learning goes much further in aiding the last-mile carrier . Over time , this technology learns to recognize facts and patterns , so they become more functional at tasks , such as using GPS to optimize routes . AI-enabled systems are like any other technology . They only know the information that ’ s put into them . But today ’ s last-mile delivery technology deals with useful data and insights , allowing it to analyze and apply that data for better recommendations and more efficient overall carrier operations . Anticipating The Need in 2024
When an industry is growing as fast as last-mile delivery , carriers have to do more than try to meet the needs of the industry as it stands today . They have to also anticipate what the conditions will be in 2024 and beyond .
If the best last-mile delivery technologies have one thing in common , it ’ s their ability to automate the presentation of data while making it actionable for carriers . That means a carrier can see exactly what they need to know without having to spend extensive time keying it all into the system and can act on the information through simple clicks or commands that put the desired actions in motion . Technologies like these can ensure the last-mile delivery industry doesn ’ t just grow but prospers in the process – while making customers the real winners . CLDA
Gururaj ( Guru ) Rao is the Chief Executive Officer of nuVizz , a leading network-based last-mile delivery management route optimization SaaS platform with a mission to connect all transportation from the First Mile to the Last Mile and enable businesses to orchestrate the movements using state of the art AI and ML Technology . The nuVizz platform hosts over 2000 companies , and 35,000 + active drivers support over 50 million transactions . For more information , go to nuvizz . com
FALL 2023 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 33