Make your forms as easy as possible to fill out . Do not over-complicate things . Have your employees test them out and see how the entire process would go for the customer . Before the site goes live , make small changes that will impact the success of your data collection .
Spend the money on your primary images and make them impactful . You will be glad you did . They will immediately elevate your brand and set a tone for the rest of your website . Also , use carousels which provide rotating multiple shots . These graphics will catch the energy of your company , its products , and services .
The decision to commit to an effective website is yours . We know you will make the right choice and make your site a great sales agent for the company ’ s future . Happy Updating ! CLDA
BJ Flagg is the President of Nurenu Brand Marketing , a full-service integrated brand marketing agency . The firm provides expertise in strategic brand marketing solutions , brand design , web development , customization , and integration solutions . Flagg co-hosts the podcast The Best Small Business Show with Rich Gee of the Rich Gee Group . For more information , go to nurenu . com summer 2024 I customized logistics & delivery Magazine 25