Renovate as the Business Changes
A larger , more long-term project is reviving or renovating sections of your website . What kind of changes , you ask ?
Here are a few : Did you acquire or merge with another courier ?
Did you add a new service offering , such as warehousing or fleet services ?
Do you have a new set of forms or integrations which need to be added to the site ?
A web audit can uncover the need for more updates , new content and new images . The best part of this kind of renovation is that it will breathe new life into the site . In addition , you ’ ll be upping your search engine optimization . Google will love it !
When considering these changes , look at the ease of use and the customer / vendor experience . What would improve the site ’ s flow so customers can quickly find their information ? How can you make accessing the necessary forms easier for your drivers ?
Answering these questions will lead you to practical changes that are easy to implement on a well-built site .
Start From Scratch !
When all else fails , blow up an outdated website that has outlived its purpose . Clients come to us and say , “ We don ’ t even have those services anymore ! Why are they still on our site ?” We create the direction for the website based on the new direction of the business . We look to the client to think of their most essential services and formulate the best way to speak to their multiple audiences . The goal is to make the new website stand the test of time . We like to think of the time it takes to get the new website up and live as cathartic for the whole company .
Here are a few things to consider :
Describe your company briefly on the home page . Not a lot of words . Short and sweet .
Choose images that evoke your company ’ s corporate culture . Realize that you have one chance to make a first impression , and it needs to be ‘ you .’
Think about the multiple audiences the site needs to speak to . How can you help them reach the pages they need the fastest ? This could be done by using icons , images and separate sections . This is not the time to be ‘ cute ’ with your copy or use over-complicated jargon . Use layperson ’ s terms to move them from the home page to where they need to be .
Make sure the contact information is easily accessible . Can they get to your social media ? Do you have all the key employee information very clearly listed ? If you do , you will notice an uptick in sales .
Consider how video could explain your products or services . Go for simplicity and clarity . You don ’ t need wild music , jerky moves or crazy graphics . You need a simple way to say more than copy alone would do . When possible , use employees as the “ players ” in your videos . This is a genuine way to present them as experts .
Include testimonials throughout the website , especially on pages related to that client ’ s needs . People love to read testimonials , but they need context , so don ’ t put them all on one page . This will give you a bigger bang for your buck .
24 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I summer 2024