Class Offerings Guide 2024-2025 Carlos Rosario School Class Offerings Guide SY 24-25 | Page 7

Beginner Level English Classes
Intermediate Level English Classes


Beginner Level English Classes
ESL 1-3 Location : Harvard Street Campus Time : AM , PM & EVE
Students in the beginning ESL classes learn basic vocabulary , grammar , pronunciation , listening strategies , reading skills , and writing skills . Field trips and activities build the student ’ s understanding of their community . Requirements :
English language placement test
ESL for Families ( Includes students eligible for ORI B - Level 2 )
Intermediate Level English Classes
ESL 4 Location : Harvard Street Campus Time : AM , PM & EVE
Through this course , students learn about the healthcare system and living a healthy lifestyle , how to be a smart consumer , and an exploration of jobs and job interviews . Students gain reading , writing , listening , speaking , and grammar skills appropriate to their level .
Requirements : Eligible for ESL 4


ESL 5 Location : Sonia Gutierrez Campus Time : AM & EVE
Students learn how to provide great customer service , understand workplace rights and policies , and explore jobs in the service industry : restaurants , hotels , and other food-service providers . Students gain reading , writing , listening , speaking , and grammar skills appropriate to their level .
Requirements : Eligible for ESL 5