Class of 2019 8th Grade Traditions 2019_8th_Grade_Traditions | Page 7

Prize Day TO CLOSE THE SCHOOL YEAR, WE CAME TOGETHER FOR A SOLEMN CEREMONY TO CELEBRATE THE GIFTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF OUR STUDENTS. CLICK HERE TO READ DR. SHARP’S FAREWELL POEM “...We’ve had so many ‘lasts’ together this year...our last first day, our last Congé, and our last Mass, or even our last Sacred Heart school trip. Remember how in Primary School we never wanted to be the last in line, or in Lower School we never wanted to be in last place in sports, or even just in 6th and 7th grade how no one ever wanted to be in last place in an ever so competitive game of Kahoot? “ ‘Last’ always meant something bad or negative. But then the meaning of last began to change as I thought about our last Halloween, our last home game, or even our last Prize Day. Though as this year became full of lasts, last no longer seemed to be such a bad thing. That’s because the word ‘last’ changed and took on a new meaning and I realized that we, together all these years, through all of those goûters, chapels, field days, class trips, and now, graduation, have made memories that will ‘last’ a lifetime. ...” Allegra Hamacher A’19 Academy Student Council President “...Each Hardey student wears a badge over his heart that reminds him, every day, of the Hardey motto, which sits just below the cross of Jesus: ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces.’ Literally translated, our motto means, ‘in this sign you will conquer,’ but we have never learned how to make war or to hurt and divide people, nor have we been taught to be divisive— things you normally associate with conquering. So what does this motto mean? “Applying the Five Goals, and the lessons of the last nine years...we know that we are being sent into the world to light the way for the poor, the immigrant, the homeless, and for those who are most in need. We must do these things because they are right, because it is our responsibility, and because we have been given so much. In short, we know that we must do these things because we are Hardey Gentlemen. ...” John Duffy H’19 Hardey Student Council President CLICK HERE TO READ FULL SPEECHES