Clarence Cardinal Newlsetter August 2013 | Page 13

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Tipton Annual Ridiculous Days , August 2 & 3

Tipton ’ s Annual Ridiculous Days are scheduled for August 2 & 3 in downtown Tipton . Come check out some of the best deals of the year at area businesses . There will be great activities for everyone to enjoy , including craft vendors , face painting , horsedrawn trolley rides , and music in the gazebo on Friday afternoon . Saturday will feature more great deals at local merchants and a street dance at Rhino ’ s Bar & Grill starting at 7 PM . Also , on Saturday , the Old Cedar County Jail will be open for tours or as well as horse-drawn carriage tours of Tipton ’ s Victorian Homes will originate from behind the Tipton Public Library beginning at 1:00 PM . The homes featured on the tour are : Jerry and Kathy Huinker at 512 East 4th Street , Jeff and Jody Suchomel at 710 Meridian and Tom and Lisa Mackey at 811 Cedar Street . A decade ’ s long tradition , Ridiculous Days coincides with the 16th Annual Hardacre Film Festival and the Cedar County Health & Safety Fair all taking place in downtown Tipton . The Tipton Chamber of Commerce sponsors Ridiculous Days and the Hardacre Film Festival .
Don ’ t forget , August 2 & 3 also marks Iowa ’ s Annual Sales Tax Holiday , so there ’ s no sales tax on select clothing and footwear . Weekend shoppers can find ridiculous deals , good food and fun on the square during Tipton Ridiculous Days !
Activities include :
Friday , August 2 8 AM – 12 PM Free Popcorn and Pop Courtesy of Citizen ’ s Bank 10 AM – 5 PM Craft Vendors 10 AM - 2 PM Horse Drawn Rides - Courtesy of Keith Whitlach 11 AM Ice Cream Sundaes Courtesy of US Bank 11AM – 1 PM Music in the Courthouse Gazebo 11:30 AM Free Watermelon Courtesy of Liberty Trust and Savings Bank 11:30 AM - 1 PM Burgers Grilled by the Cedar
County Beef Producers and Served by the Tipton Chamber of Commerce 6 PM 16th Annual Hardacre Film Festival Begins
Saturday , August 3 All Day 16th Annual Hardacre Film Festival 10 AM – 5 PM Craft Vendors 10 AM – 2 PM Old Cedar County Jail Open for Tours 1 -4 PM Horse-drawn Trolley Tour of Homes 7 PM – 1 AM Rhino ’ s Bar & Grill Street Dance